6.0 Cold Driveability


New member
Nov 18, 2008
What is the most common problem found on the 6.0s when there is a cold runability issue? We're seeing more and more with the same problems. They start very rough and missfire like crazy when cold or have been setting a while, and after they warm up they seem to run better. I suspect injector problems but would like some input. There seems to be an endless list of possibilities.
Change engine oil to synthetic or synthetic blend. Injectors don't like thick oil, That's why when engine warms up miss goes away. Or plug truck's block heater in.
spool valves. Like said synthetic is much better but even good dino oil should run flawlessly at start up. They will progressively get worse until it misses when warm. I have freed sticking spool valves with a quart of diesel in the oil, run for 5 minutes than do 2 oil changes with a 5 minute run between. Idle only. The HPOP reservoir holds about a quart of oil you can not drain out. Thats why i did 2 changes to get all the fuel out. Not the best solution but it got another 20k out of a dying work trucks injectors.
Yeah I think you're right about the spool valves. I have two right now that are doing the same thing. One is an early 04 the other is a late 04. The early 04 I just found the ICP sensor was biased. Replaced it and found it blown apart. We'll see what happens I guess. The late 04 wont even start unless it's plugged in. It's setting a P0671-cyl.1 glow plug circuit code but it definitely has other issues. It misses when it's warm too. I just put a new FICM on this one because it died while driving and then would not restart. FICM got it running but it sure runs like $hit.
alot of times a cold problem is a programming issue. ford comes out with updates every so often that the computer needs and it corrects certain issues like that. also the ficm could be losing m power voltage. the ficm needs at least 47 volts at all time if it starts losing then you will def get those exact concerns you are having.
My buddies 05 is/was having exact issues, only problems when cold. Its in the shop now getting headgaskets and EGR cooler...