6.0 cylinder head questions


5th gear killer
May 14, 2008
so i finally got my extra set of heads off and im going to take them to the machine shop tomorow to get some work done to them.. well, i turned them over and looked at them, and found some cracks between the valves. my question is, do these heads have seats like a 24 valve cummins does? and the other question is, is what im seeing here the infamous "cracked 6.0 head"? i know that with the 24 valve cummins head, you can throw in a set of seats, and youll be ok as long as the crack doesnt go into the seat.. is this the same with these heads? or should i go ahead and tie some cable on them and get them ready for when i go set trot lines??
You can put seats into anything. Need to see what the cracks look like. Probably needs some valve guides as well.

This combined with the melted pistons you told me about the other day. This engine doesn't sound like it should be used for parts.
They dont make 7mm guides yet do they? I was told Cummins does but they need to be machined down for our heads.
ok, thanks for the reply guys! ive got today off, so im going to take them in and see how bad the machinist says they are....
just got back from the machine shop. every cylinder has at least one crack in it. the cracks are between the valves, and he said that where they are at, that is the water passage.. so anyone looking for some boat anchors?? LOL
Would make a dandy door stop, or a good hillbilly mailbox stand.... :Cheer:
lol, thats true! but i dont think my gf would want to look at these ugly things holding up our mailbox! LOL! shes already getting after me for the parts i have laying around waiting to get used!