6.0 loss power & died


New member
Jan 17, 2007

My buddy just called on his way back from the long weekend. Long story short coming from central Oregon pulling a long hill His 6.0L Excursion started loosing power and died. Would not fire back up and no engine lights came on in the dash He has 118,000 miles on it and no warranty. AAA would only tow him to the closest ford dealer. He left it at ford and is at there mersey. They called him today and said it is the High pressuer oil pump and is going to be $2,000 to get that replaced. I have a 7.3L And not up on the 6.0L stuff. Was wondering if anyone out there has ran into this or is ford bending him over. There is a problem finding a honest dealer in the Norhwest. :bang
sounds about what my brother paid for his when he was out of state on vacation and his hpop crapped out on him.
i am a ford diesel tech and i have havent replaced any high pressure oil pumps, i guess that could be possible but the price is right for the pump. i would be leaning towards a fuel problem more than i would a oil pump crapping out. to me sounds like the fuel pump might have taken a dump just because you said that he was going up a long hill and it started loosing power till is just shut off. sounds like its not getting fuel to me. but its hard to say cause i dont know if it is making any oil pressure or not. the 6.0 need at about 1500psi of oil pressure and about 55 psi of fuel pressure to start so just need to know what is goin on to be sure that the oil pump is actually the problem.
Same issue happened to my truck about a month after I bought it. Luckily, it's under warranty, but it wasn't the pump, it was a the high pressure oil lines and a branch fitting. It ended up being a pretty in-depth fix. They took the transmission completely out of the truck, as well as the whole top end of the engine.

The biggest problem they had was finding the issue. They would use air to test the oil lines for leaks and it would be fine, but when they put oil back through the lines, it would start leaking. Apparently, the air pressure wasn't as high as the oil pressure and wouldn't show the leak. They had the truck for about three weeks before they finally figured it out.
what you had done on your truck trigger is definitly not a fun fix. its time consuming and that could definitly be the problem on that excursion.
Thanks for all your help. I called my friend at International and he said he has never seen a high pressure oil pump fail either. My buddy could not argue with ford so he just paid . Thanks again Maybe you can shed some light on my 6.0L issue