6.0 turbo pricing?

Santa Gertrudis

Dec 12, 2006
Why on earth are chargers for the 6.0 so much more expensive?

For example, you can pick up an II PS62 for somewhere in the 1600 range.

A 62/70 for the 6.0 is 3k...

What gives?
Its all the hardware man. Its the new drain tube network, adapter(s), oil supply tubing and the mounting bracket. As far as I know II uses the same turbo for the 6.0/5.9 etc etc so its nothign special. All that extra costs in on the backend. If yu good at welding anf have some skills you can come up with all of that yourself, but your normal everyday person will not go that route. Recall that the dodge stuff bolts right up to the exhaust manifold and thats that give it 90% of its support. Not quite true on the 6.0L

I just fabricated my own. But I can weld and have metal working machines.
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Yea, I know there is more to making them fit on our trucks. But $1400+ more for some brackets etc...???
Yeah man, I agree its a F-pile of money but what else are you going to do? I dont knot where II gets there stuff from. I know elite makes there stuff in house. I got pissed off this weekend, fired up the Welder and the CAD software and went to town.
On our current turbos, the cost of the adapters and labor are within 100 of the cost of the charger.
Thank you Trusted for another great response! I can't wait to get a set of your compounds when I get some money.LOL Keep up the great work!

trusted is a great company and has treated me very well. Chad and Andy are great guys to deal with and will answer any questions you have. i recently got a turbo from them, but have been busy as hell and haven't had a chance to get it installed and try it yet. Look for them to really start opening some eye's and turning some heads. I currently have a II 62/70. And the drain tube and pedistal is nothing special. As a matter of fact the pedistal is a modded stock one that anyone can modify. also II uses the factory oil feed line. It works good, but i was stupid enough to spend the cash to get it and now really regret it. So hopefully later this week the II turbo will be sitting on the shelf and the trusted turbo will be on.
trusted is a great company and has treated me very well. Chad and Andy are great guys to deal with and will answer any questions you have. i recently got a turbo from them, but have been busy as hell and haven't had a chance to get it installed and try it yet. Look for them to really start opening some eye's and turning some heads. I currently have a II 62/70. And the drain tube and pedistal is nothing special. As a matter of fact the pedistal is a modded stock one that anyone can modify. also II uses the factory oil feed line. It works good, but i was stupid enough to spend the cash to get it and now really regret it. So hopefully later this week the II turbo will be sitting on the shelf and the trusted turbo will be on.

man you jump from one company to another fast, i can dig up post after post where you loved industrials turbo, then you hated it and loved river city diesel stuff, then you loved your industrial turbo, now before even trying trusted new turbo you love it and don't like your industrial one., all your credability went out the window for your nothing more than a cheer leader for anyone willing to get you discounts*bdh*
they keep promiseing stuff, lets see if there stuff works first, cause i know more than most people, i'll leave it at that. prove to me it works then you guys can talk trash.
trusted is a great company and has treated me very well. Chad and Andy are great guys to deal with and will answer any questions you have. i recently got a turbo from them, but have been busy as hell and haven't had a chance to get it installed and try it yet. Look for them to really start opening some eye's and turning some heads. I currently have a II 62/70. And the drain tube and pedistal is nothing special. As a matter of fact the pedistal is a modded stock one that anyone can modify. also II uses the factory oil feed line. It works good, but i was stupid enough to spend the cash to get it and now really regret it. So hopefully later this week the II turbo will be sitting on the shelf and the trusted turbo will be on.

This week:

:cheer: Trusted Performance :cheer:

Last week:

:cheer: Industrial Injection :cheer:

Week before that:

:cheer: River City Diesel :cheer:

Wow buddy you really need to make up your mind here.....and maybe try that new turbo out before you slam a perfectly good turbo. I know a lot of stuff you don't want to hear about a certain companies products so I'm not gonna say anything.....:doh:
they keep promiseing stuff, lets see if there stuff works first, cause i know more than most people, i'll leave it at that. prove to me it works then you guys can talk trash.

I hope you aren’t referring to us. We generally don’t talk trash about other people’s products. If we did, that would cause a huge crap storm and no-one would come out well.

As far as us proving things, when we release it, then it will be proven. No point releasing information about a 60mm with 2 pounds of boost at 1100rpms, 62’s with 2 pounds of boost at 1200 rpms, 64’s with 2 pounds of boost at 1400 rpms etc. Should I go into throttle response, boost pressures at wide open, dyno sheets???? If you cannot buy it, then why would we talk about it? You know what we have coming out, you know when it is scheduled to come out, we have discussed working together when it comes out, so what is your deal?

Trust us, if we could get this dam thing to market, WE WOULD!!! Design is done, machining started today. The Timeline is pretty much in cement now….

GIVE US TIME, that is why we haven’t release any info. If we did back in May/June when it should have hit the market, no-one would have purchased a turbo and we would have hundreds of people pissed at us now. Why do you think we don’t release information about it?
man you jump from one company to another fast, i can dig up post after post where you loved industrials turbo, then you hated it and loved river city diesel stuff, then you loved your industrial turbo, now before even trying trusted new turbo you love it and don't like your industrial one., all your credability went out the window for your nothing more than a cheer leader for anyone willing to get you discounts*bdh*

Shawn, i didn't mean for it to sound that i jump from one company to another. I loved the 62/70 and recommended them to others and honestly i still do. Just becauce i had a problem with my 62/70 i don't want others to think that they are bad, i just had bad luck with this one is all. I just had trouble with it leaking oil and blowing seals. When that happened the first time II went out of their way and warrentied it free of charge. They were a great company to deal with for taking care of that and had great customer service this is why i praised them and said that they were a great company to deal with. After i got the new one, the turbo was awesome and worked great and i loved it. II told me not to tamper with the wastegate setscrew so i left it as is and now the seals are blowned and it's pushing oil again. I still think II is a great company but i just had bad luck with this one and wanted to try something else from a different company and i don't think that there's anything wrong with that. I also have said great things about RCD. I have one of josh's tunes that runs very well. He went out of his way to write me this tune and didn't charge me a dime. Josh answered all my emails and PM's and has treated me very well and his company has great customer service and this is why i praise RCD and recommend them to anyone also and still plan on doing business with them. As far as being a so called cheerleader for trusted also. I've dealt with them before, and again this company has great customer service and has answered all my questions, emails and PM's just like the others that i've dealt with. I do have a turbo right now from trusted and it's a 64/71/70 and i never said that i loved this turbo. I said that trusted is a great company to deal with and has great customer service...i never said that i loved this turbo. So as far as me being a cheerleader for certain company's that i've dealt with, that's fine call me a cheerleader all you want. I have no reason not to praise these company that i've dealt with and that have treated me well. So if you and tyler wanna call me a cheerleader for certain companys that i'v dealt with and have great experiences with and would recommend these to anyone then you might as well call me a cheerleader for these other ones such as Innovative diesel, elite diesel, RCD, DJ's, Black Widow, ITP, FASS, snow performance, first coast diesel performance, casserly(full force diesel), hypermax.
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The industrial turbo will continue to push oil till they put a bigger oil return line on,
The industrial turbo will continue to push oil till they put a bigger oil return line on,

I know you've mentioned that to me many of times Shawn, but i've talked to II about this and they said that they updated the drain tube and this last turbo i got was suppose to have the updated one. II said that there is nothing wrong with their drain tube and that they haven't heard anyone have any issues with it. I've talked to a few people with this turbo and they have had absolutly ZERO issues with the drain tube. Maybe i just have bad luck, IDK. I mention your name to them and they told me that you of all people should know that there is no issue with the drain tube. II had treated me well, but it's been hard about who to believe, them saying one thing and you saying another. I would think that seeing II builds there own turbo's that they know more than anyone about their own turbo's, but maybe they were just feeding me a bunch of BS about the drain line...IDK. I just didn't want to keep having turbo issues like this anymore so this is why i decided to try a different company. I have nothing against II or there products. I still like the way this turbo works, it does work good, it's just the oil issue that i'm having that i don't like.
I bet its nice to be able to try out all these companies. You listed all the companies you have had good experiences with, ever had any bad experiences? Not sure you could list that anyhow with out getting in trouble on here. I have delt with trusted before myself. Havent bought anything from them yet, but there customer service was out standing. Quick responses, lots of info, and def. the willingness to help. I hate the prices of real performance parts for the 6L. You can buy bad a$$ cummins injectors for what stock 6L injectors cost. Hopefully prices start to drop and I can stop buying used parts. lol Or just buy them used parts for cheaper.
Turbo pricing should start dropping the first part of next year and may continue throughout next year.
I bet its nice to be able to try out all these companies. You listed all the companies you have had good experiences with, ever had any bad experiences? Not sure you could list that anyhow with out getting in trouble on here. I have delt with trusted before myself. Havent bought anything from them yet, but there customer service was out standing. Quick responses, lots of info, and def. the willingness to help. I hate the prices of real performance parts for the 6L. You can buy bad a$$ cummins injectors for what stock 6L injectors cost. Hopefully prices start to drop and I can stop buying used parts. lol Or just buy them used parts for cheaper.

I've never had any issues with any company that i've ever dealt with. There's been a couple times where a product i've purchased didn't get to me in the time it was suppose to, but i didn't find that to be a problem. Priceing for our trucks are alot when it comes to aftermarket things(injectors, turbos). But it helps to do alot of research and talking to companies before you make a decision of spending your money on a expesive product such as a turbo or a set of injectors.