6.7 clutch sliped


New member
Feb 6, 2011
So today I was on my way to work and figured I'd try a 3rd gear launch just for ****s and giggs. The first time I didn't have enough rpms built up then the second time I tried it I let out on the clutch the truck didn't move and the rpms just stayed up and I got the burnt clutch smell so at that point I stopped messing around and put it on second and took off and drove the rest of the way to work with what appeared to be no slipping but after driving roughly 15-20 miles more I still seemed to have the smell, is this normal after your clutch slips or should it have gone away by now? Seems like the smell is most noticeable around the front passenger tire area.

I have the valair street dual disc just so you guys know. And the smarty is only on the 30hp tune so unless 3rd gear is a real no no I'm not sure why it would have slipped like it did.

This is the first time it has slipped I do believe so am I in the clear or did I just toast my clutch being a dummy?
The smell will last awhile. As for what harm you did, i doubt any. May have helped.
Alright thanks man. Makes me feel better. I was worried about the smell sticking around so long. I just don't get why I'd be having this trouble with a dual disc that shouldn't have any issues with the little bit of power I'm adding. If it was a lot more I would get it but I'm only adding 30horse. Also why would it help it?
:hehe:Your just not used to the power yet, going from a d max to a cummins :hehe:
How many miles on the clutch? May not have been broke in yet.

I watched a buddy white smoke his clutch and shoot sparks out pulling a wagon through a muddy field. Truck sat over night and the next day it was fine. Never could get the truck to slip again until hooked to a sled.
This is my second cummins lol. I had a 03.

I've had the truck for like 3k miles now but I talked to previous owner and I think he said he had it put in like 20,000 ago. I don't imagine he lied to me cause he traded it to a dealer that I got it from

And by the way its a ceramic clutch
This is my second cummins lol. I had a 03.

I've had the truck for like 3k miles now but I talked to previous owner and I think he said he had it put in like 20,000 ago. I don't imagine he lied to me cause he traded it to a dealer that I got it from

And by the way its a ceramic clutch

You probably glazed it a little and it was probably a little hot from the first try. I'd drive it for a few days without launches and it'll probably bed itself back. I'm sure it's fine.
I have a valiar dd ceramic. We were doing 4th gear 4wd boost launches one night and everything was fine. Got in it the next day and it wouldn't move.
Think a hundred miles or so and then maybe try again to see if it straightend out or should I do a full 500 like the initial break in?
Alright sounds good. I drive it a fair bit so I ought to be able to put some light miles on it. Thanks for the help guys. It was my first experience with a slipping clutch and I figured with s DD I really shouldn't have had those problems with the light tune on the truck