6.7 injector cores FS or Trade for 03-04 cores


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Got a set of injectors cores I pulled out of an engine I'm building. Where BBi stage 4 injectors but I BELIEVE they need rebuilding. One for sure wasn't firing not sure what the others are like. Not really sure how extensive that is to rebuild and have no need to see. Reason why I'm selling as cores.

Will also trade for a good set of 03-04 injector cores. Was originally planning on running 6.7 injectors in the engine I'm building but after talking to injector builders I've changed plans.


Will do man. I'm trying to stay away from the price of that harness haha

May have something worked out in a trade with a Mr. Ivey on everything. Waiting to hear back but he's a busy guy.