6.7 Swapped into 5.9

The initiating amperage issue was mentioned before, just that people didn't post the full explanation of it.

The oscilloscope graphs sure do add clarity to it. :cool:


I must have missed that point earlier? Sorry.

The scanner pics do help. I need pics for some topics......;)

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Sounds like some of these guys running 6.7 injectors should disconnect the grid heaters and see if that clears up the stumble. Not necessarily a permanent fix but curious how that would change things.

Unhooking grid heater helps , doesn't fix though. After a longer crank time from no grid heater the alternator takes longer to recover sometimes one lope sometimes it will stall.

Also mark I don't think most people fully understood the actual cause just made speculacion from hear say, I have know for sometime just hadn't shared it here
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I haven't had a grid heater in 4 years. Dont believe it a factor in my failed attempt.
Sounds like some of these guys running 6.7 injectors should disconnect the grid heaters and see if that clears up the stumble. Not necessarily a permanent fix but curious how that would change things.

We had the grid heaters turned off the whole summer in Matt's truck and it still did the stumble on initiate start.

I had one that the grid heater helped , most others no. I have one that somehow is running fine early 04?
Turboram thanks for the oscope traces. That had been my suspection but had never been able to confirm it. Wish I had known that before going to 03 injectors, would have been interesting to see if I could build the circuit to drive the boost current at SOI, maybe a future project.
For a couple years now I expected someone to come out with a hybrid 5.9/ 6.7 injector, thought that might be the holy grail. But now after seeing the oscilascope pictures, there could be another way to tackle it. I watched a couple guys cut and the solder new pieces into a OBS powerstroke ecm a couple years ago to modify it. I'm just not that computer savvy but could a person solder the 2000 series drivers into the 849 ecm to run those injectors?
What rail and cross tubes you guys running for the 6.7L into the 5.9L CR trucks?
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I explained the voltage and current differences years ago. With the stand alone and the hot current profile I run with 6.7 injectors it will actually burn the solenoids out in 5.9 injectors.
I'm looking at buying a melted down 07 CTD 5.9L engine truck and have a spare 2010 6.7L to install. I want to run the 6.7L intake who ever brand air horn and the stock 6.7L grid heater. I find that the 6.7L grid heater works better than the 5.9L stuff. I was going to re-range the rail sensor with efi.
OK, so reading this it looks like my 06 5.9 electronics and injectors will work in a 6.7. I just broke my 5.9, either spun a bearing or burned a piston. I am debating just buying a 6.7 long block from Blacks and using it instead of a 5.9. I tow with the truck so the low end grunt of a 6.7 would be nice over the 5.9. Not to mention that their 6.7 crate engine is only $200 more than 5.9 crate engine.

Can someone please confirm that what I am saying is correct, or if not, where I am wrong.
06 injectors have the wrong spray angle for 6.7.

Must use 145° 03-early04 tips.

Unless industrial 6.7 pistons are used, then late 5.9 124° injectors will work
Blacks is building the 6.7 to work with the late 5.9 injectors. Anything else I need to look into?
I ran on my 06 the 06 injectors on 03-04 tips to match the bowl it worked great