6000 RPM 24 Valve!


Jan 22, 2007
Wow. I'm impressed with this Edge Juice! Ok, so a Honda pulls out in front of me last night on the highway. I proceed to change lanes, pass, and then back real fast. I puff a little smoke at him, ok, maybe a lot. After all, I had to divert my driving on his account which wisses me off. He then proceeds to floor it and pass me and then pull back in front of me. And the final staw was.....he waved at me out the sun roof! It's on!:rockwoot: I floored it, he floored it, and away we went. I'll have to say his little rice burned probably used up a bushel of rice and a few raman noodles, but I finally passed his goofy butt at about 115!

So this morning driving to work I decided to check my "records" on my attitude module. Min fuel 10 psi, Max EGT 1325, Boost 43, Speed 117, RPM 5976! WTF? Holy crap! I'm surprised a rod didn't come flyin' out the motor and go through the firewall!:ft:

Dodge 1, Ricer 0.
I'm gonna have to go out on a limb here and guess something is wrong with the attitude .
Roger that. I ain't had notin but problems with this Edge stuff. But the more I read about the other electronics, they have their own set of problems. Maybe I can talk the engineers around here into designing modules. Since we make bullet-proof military electronics, it should work rain or shine, it would just cost a million dollars. :hehe:
Yeah Dually, I'd say the info. display is a little off. Or alot.
A million dollars can fix alot of stuff.
Get your tech guys to decoding the Edge, find out what it does, then spoof it and encase the results in a an OD green case :evil
There are a lot of things that I would put on the thing instead of a bunch of bull crap like the A2 with GPS. Who the heck needs that? It would look funny thought with cadmium plated circular mil connectors under the hood! :D
mmmmm cadmium........

is that like them chocolate easter eggs??