6bt prep for generator use.


Active member
Feb 26, 2008
Has anyone prepped a 6BT for use at a sustained speed(like 1800rpm) for power or pump work? I'm hoping to retire mine later this year and figure it will be more valuable to keep than to try and sell it(no one buys them complete and I don't want to sell it a piece at a time) Is it best to just buy or trade for a pump with an ag gov on it? Is there a certain turbo that works well at the lower rpm(maybe smaller than an HX35)?

I'm assuming the 1800rpm is to give you the right generator frequency?

the 35 should be fine... constant load applications don't need quick spool up... your pump should be fine too
I have done opposite .. :evil

You only need to fix acc.pedal lever, at no load condition you must rise the frequency to 61,5 -62Hz
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Ron I have a brand new 200hp Ag Gov pump on an engine we were going to put in a truck...I would be interested in trading if you wanted to go that way...I'll have to look closer at it to make sure it would be a direct swap for you, but it should be.

Personally, I would run an Ag Gov for a sustained speed/load situation.
The HX35 should be fine. Onan uses the 35 with a non wg housing on most B gensets

Flywheel housing and flex plate for generator end

A pump with an AG governor(RSV). Set it to 2hz droop. (1860rpm)
Or use a pump with an RQV governor and use a Woodward EFC and actuator to control the speed electronically. << this may cost a lot more.
Most mechanical B gensets I've seen use a stanadyne rotary pump.

And all the goodies to make it produce electricity.

Thats all I can think of right now. There may be more I'm missing.