6in exhaust tip

Your silverline..... is it 6in and double walled??? I have a 5in double walled silverline currently.
Silverline 6" are not double wall...just rolled edge.

I've not had a 6" tip discolor yet if that's the reason you're looking. I had several 5" tips turn yellow though.
MBRP tips are too short.
IMO they would look much better if they were twice as long.
We put an MBRP 5-6" tip on a Dodge at DI...it looked rediculous....waaaay too short.
The Silverline has a good length to it, its a single wall rolled edge like stated above.
I need double walled. I have put 2 single walled tips on already. They turn all kinds of colors. The 6.7 get to damn hot at the tailpipe. 800-900 degrees. My 5in double wall has been workin great but i would love to have a 6in by about 18in long, but don't we all wish we were a little bigger?
The only 2 6" tips I've ever seen is the one from Silverline and the one that I've got on my truck. I don't know who makes it....Comes in a white box with no markings. I didn't have a decent pic of the tip on my truck....Here's my bud's LBZ with the same tip though!
im with yall mrbp tips are to short....id stick with what you have or try the silverline.....i have a no name 5" on mine......
Hog has the badest tips in the land.... but they suck to deal with.

I have bunches od 5x6 and 4x6 in single walls in stock 12, 18, and 22 long but none double wall.