6x0.018" 155°


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jul 12, 2007
One set, Mack style Sac nozzle, any pintle work desired. Will be sold as nozzles or injector set. Timing advance allowed for piston model;

34° timing late CR piston
23° timing SO 24v piston
20° timing HO 24v piston



For comparison;

7x0.012" - 3.8LPM
7x0.013" - 4.1LPM

Two sets were originally done, ideally suited for use in the 2.6/2.8" Class P-pumped 24v with a 3" piston bowl.
The nozzles were EDMed 95% of the target hone size, honed for 30 seconds, then additionally honed to balance them. This method retains the crispness of actuation on the needle and diminishes radiusing of the orifice which is often found with excessive honing. On average raw EDM nozzles carry a flow variance of 5% or higher, some times much higher. I assure you a higher quality set cannot be had.
I am not too up on what mods really go into injectors. But would the injector bodies need to be internally modified to accommodate the amount of fuel that these nozzles can move, or will stock bodies do the trick?
The restriction is in the pintle, no modifications are necessary to the injector body.
how long will it take to make a set or do you have them on the shelf already?
To be built to spec, nozzles are done, completed within 7-10 days of payment.