7" Aussie Stack Charity Raffle


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Grand Rock Exhaust, a NHRDA Division 5 sponsor is raffling off a set of stacks in the name of charity. They are raffling a complete 7” Ausie stack kit. This was the display kit at all the Division 5 events this year.

All moneys will go directly to the Pediatric Oncology Division at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland Ohio, on behalf of the “Jeff Stoneman Fund”.

Jeff Stoneman is the late son of Bill Stoneman, Grand Rock’s National Sales Manager. Jeff passed away this past May due to complications with cancer. You can learn more about Jeff @ http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jeffstoneman

The cost is only $10.00 per ticket and you do not need to be a NHRDA member to participate. The drawing will be held January 5th 2009.​

Click the Picture Below

These stacks are awesome, Josh had them on display at Maryland. Good luck to everyone
We've had 40 donations now! Thanks everyone who's donated so far, and for those who haven't got their donations in yet, and your name in the raffle, you only have 32 days left of this raffle. The winner will be drawn on January 5th at 12:00pm Eastern time!!

Get in before you miss it!
This is a great cause and for $10 bucks and you can win over $700 worth of product.
We're at 57 total donations so far. The entire Stoneman family are happy to see this doing well, and can't wait to see how much in total we will have by the raffle dead line on January 5th.
I think it's great that the person who won these stacks at the raffle in MD donated them back to be reraffled (is that a word?) for a great cause.

I donated again.
As of 7:13 a.m. Eastern time....we have a total of......

**Insert Drum Roll Here**​

101 donations made. There is still 5 hours remaining until the raffle is closed, and a winner is announced!!

Get your last minute donations in NOW!!!!!
We finished the raffle, and 116 total donations were made! Thats $1160.00 raised for the Jeff Stoneman fund! Thank you to everyone who donated. Thank you to the NHRDA for holding this raffle! Congradulations to the winner of this great prize, Tim Taylor!