913 pump


Nov 4, 2009
i know that they have retarding notches in them that kill full rack travel but i was wondering if any body has ever tried to reverse that and make the pump advance timing? it might be a dumb question but wouldnt that be about the best mechanical pump ever built if you could figure it out?
The retard notches take timing out as the rack advances.

Seth is working on the exact thing you are talking about.
If I am remembering correctly, all you would need to change is rather than a notch down at the end, gradually increase the pitch of the helix further up. Wouldn't be hard to machine, but figuring out how to cut it to get the timing you want would be difficult.
sounds like a good idea to me, but you could run into problems with head gaskets by advancing it TOO far.
This was discussed early, and while I see it being neat in theory, I feel that the way the gov works on the DOT gov's is that it will actually make it worse. As pump RPM drops from an applied load, the rack will advance adding more timing, which will drop the torque, and the cycle continues. Hopefully a real world test can shed some light on this.
id really really like to see this idea put into practice i mean if you could set the timing a little low and then let in advance wouldnt that help make a 12valve a little easier to light bigger chargers?
working on it...school has me bogged down at the moment, but I promise I'll get you guys some results as soon as I can