95' question


New member
Apr 9, 2008
i just bought a 95 12v reg cab. the guy who had it before me tweaked the pump a bit so it smokes more. i am having trouble finding out how to make sure the pump is still stock. how do i tell if the afc, low boost fuel screw, gsk, have been changed or just modified?:thankyou2:
figuring out the gsks easy if you can get it past about 2700-2800 rpm (while driving not just reving it in neutral)or if the "tamper proof" wire is missing over the plug. The afc housing is actually sloted (where the bolts to hold it in go) so if its slid full forward or back, thats an indication. If the some of the bolts (like 1 or two) arent break off screws its probably been taperd with. The low boost fuel screw is difficult because not every trucks setting was the same from factory
so i can just turn the low boost fuel screw out to my desired smoke level? what about top end smoke. smoke clears up great under light to heavy acceleration, but at wot, full boost, it is smoking like crazy. what controls top end fuel? afc? which way to move for less fuel
so i can just turn the low boost fuel screw out to my desired smoke level? what about top end smoke. smoke clears up great under light to heavy acceleration, but at wot, full boost, it is smoking like crazy. what controls top end fuel? afc? which way to move for less fuel

the fuel plate controls it.
how can i tell if the fuel plate is aftermarket or stock? if it is aftermarket, how do i tell what size plate it is?