98 Wire Harness or BUST!!


Aug 27, 2009
I am in dire need of a 98 12v wire harness and ecm! I've got a conversion project and this is the final piece to the puzzle (thanks:thankyou2: to Darren and Jeff Garmon!) If you've have one or know where I can get one, let me know!
if you can locate 1 they are not cheap i paid almost 1200 dollars for my last 1 complete harness under the hood inside cab ,dash ,pcm and cluster i will try car-part .com posible to locate but not easy i had to travel to remouve mine
Looking on Car-Part.com and using Baltimore as the zip code I found three pages of wiring harnesses for 98 Ram's with most of them being diesel related.There was also one located not far from you Jim up in Joplin,MO.
I have a few complete engine harnesses, not sure but I'll check on a puter. Call me if interested 604-309-9778 Piers

Jim, you behaving yourself???