A BIG Thanks!!!


Daring to be diffrent!!
Nov 24, 2007
I want to give out a Big THANK YOU, to Dennis, Shela and the whole TS crew and to Dan and the Schied crew, and everyone else for their hard work at the event this past weekend. I had a blast and I think alot of people missed out on a good pull this year.
Tech was painless, plenty of parking, Good pit area. Track was in good shape.
Hopefully TS 2011 will grow and top this one.

Again thanks to all. Hope to make it again next year.

Yep..I had a great time as well, I think they did a great job with everything and I really liked the new setup for the pull track. You had some impressive pulls as well fireman..
sorry I missed your pull Lynn I couldn't get out of work this week end.Glad everything went well.

Thank you everyone that helped to this again after this stuff last year. This was my first time going and I had the best time. I will be back.
Lynn, it was cool to see that truck hook!

My first time as well, and I hope to make it back down for the racing.
Thank you Dennis and Sheila for everything, this weekend was a blast, sad its over but see y'all soon!
thanks to everybody that had a hand in this.. 15 hour drive was well worth it and will most definately be back next year... hopefully it will be at the same place..
Thanks guys Im still gettin the bugs out of it.
It was nice to fianally put some faces with names. Hope everyone makes it home safe and sound.

Dennis and Sheila and all the TS team are a great group of people with 2 years of bad weather and they still put on the best show in diesel sports thank you for all your hard work and love to the diesel nation.
Agreed, great event, well worth the drive! Good to see old faces and meet new ones, the pull crew did a great job and kept a steady flow of trucks going through......and yes Home Sweet Home!

Thanks guys Im still gettin the bugs out of it.
It was nice to fianally put some faces with names. Hope everyone makes it home safe and sound.


Didn't get to meet you but that little dually looks awesome man. Keep it up!

And a huge thanks to the TS crew. Do the same thing next year.
A big thank you to Dennis, Sheila and the Scheid group for a great event!! The new venue was awesome!! Looking forward to next year!
Lynn, you did a d@mn good job out there with the 4wd's buddy! Shoot I'm almost ashamed I didn't take my truck since there were only 38 trucks on Friday night.:bang

Oh well, maybe by next year I can have my gears in, duals on, and borrow some of that lucky tire shine you appearently stole off Mr. Clean...err Brad Furlong!:hehe::hehe::hehe:
Agreed was and awesome event and well organized it was well worth the drive even to just watch ill definateley be back next year
Yes, thanks! We had a great time, definitely be back next year!
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