A lot of smoke/Altitude??

Nov 6, 2006
I just moved from Illinois to Wyoming and have noticed a VERY significant increase in smoke coming from my truck...

the truck has the usual mods, pipe, intake, fuel plate, etc., nothing powerful by any means, it would smoke some before, but not a lot.

now I can roll smoke for over a block, (through most gears that I couldn't see smoke before in) is there a difference because of the altitude and the air up this way? I also talked to someone else from the midwest who moved out here and his VW is smoking quite a bit more than before also.

I am not concerned by the smoke, kind of amusing to black out the streets in this ol' town, but was just curious if being in this air/higher elevation may have had something to do with it. Any input/info would be great! Thanks in advance.
yep that is what is cuasing it most likely ! you could turn the afc a bit adding spring preasure to reduce the smoke
Thats what is wrong. My buddys 6.5 diesel smoked real bad in casper. Its just the altitude. What are you 6000 ft?
6' lol no i am really not sure what the alttitude is here i would have to check but i don't think it's 6000 ft here in houston
nah, it's 7200 ft., that's what I figured, I haven't noticed a decrease in mpg, so still not worried, just was hoping that was the reason! thanks for letting me know for sure!
Just be careful with Laramie PD, those asswipes absolutely love to ticket tech'ers (don't ask me how I know)

i graduated from wyotech in 2005. laramie rent a cops-pd have nothing to due but jack with "non-locals" sorry a@@holes. my .02
ya the laramie 5-0 don't like us tech'ers by any means, luckily havent been pulled over YET but I will imagine it'll happen sooner or later, esp. w/ my lead foot. I passed a cop yesterday doing 45 in a 30, blowing a bunch of smoke, but luckily he was at a red light stuck between 10 + other cars. we'll see what happens.
i've always wondered if "smoking" is illegal or not. if it is, why unless your doing a 20psi launch from a redlight with a cop behind you. sorry if i hijacked the thread.
must be different state-to-state, I don't think Illinois has that "excessive smoke" law (not 100% sure), but they do have the loud exhaust, but in Illinois they're more strict w/ straightpiped gassers, like all my old trucks...

but out here in Wyoming, they are more strict w/ piped diesel trucks, and fart cans on ricers, not so much worry for the big blocks w/o mufflers or cats.

My truck puffs smoke even when I'm light on the throttle. not much I can do, cept slide my plate back and adjuct the afc....
white07psd said:
i've always wondered if "smoking" is illegal or not. if it is, why unless your doing a 20psi launch from a redlight with a cop behind you. sorry if i hijacked the thread.

Well if it is i would be in DEEP Dung !!!!!!
a light take off i have a slight puff ON a all out hard take off i can black out the sun for a few seconds !
moneymaker44 said:
6' lol no i am really not sure what the alttitude is here i would have to check but i don't think it's 6000 ft here in houston

I was refering to big12valve.
BTW, I got a ticket for 34 in a 30 while a tech'er (graduated in 98) and he was going to warn me until I mistakenly told him I went to the tech, then he asked for my license back (yes, he'd already returned it and said to just slow down) then he went back to his car again and made out my ticket, talk about pissed!

You know every time I drive by that place on my way over to Centennial to sled, I always wonder if them tech'ers called them Cummings or Cummins? I always figured it was Cummings since well... they're tech'ers but help me out here?

Oh, and at 7200ft there's roughly 23% less oxygen for fuel to combust with. That's probably something they'll teach you in tech'ers 102.
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Actually they did teach the formula for figuring out O2 % based on altitude, barametric pressure & temp when I was there, don't know about now. As to what they call the cummins, I really don't know as I didn't take the diesel class at the time and oddly enough didn't even like diesels, now I own a diesel that was made while I was there ('97) :)

Oh, one more thing you'll notice is that with the loss of O2 and the resulting loss of power your 12V will at times feel as weak as a full race 6.0 :) (sorry Ford guys, just had to)
