AC high pressure line


New member
Sep 27, 2007
When I bought my truck,the high pressure AC had a hole in it...Now I want to replace the line and get the AC going....I'm being told that beside having the AC evacuated you have to replace the condensor,because it will be bad also...Is this true??
condensor no, accumulator/filter and orifice , might be a good idea. you can pressurize the system with nitrogen or some other form of cheaper refridgerant to test/check for leaks, then vacuum down and charge with 134A.
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Weird...I lose my avatar and all my posting numbers..Oh well.

Got another question.The freon is all gone,is there a saftety that built into the AC system that will not allow the compressor to cut in when the system is empty?Want to know if I have another problem.The compressor will not work if you turn it on inside the truck but yet if use a jumper wire across the accumulator,the compressor starts up.....I know nothing about AC units..
Yep, you lose about 40% charge and the pump will not run. Called a cycling switch that has to have a minimum pressure to energize the clutch. It will start short cycling well before that.
Thanks guys...I ordered the line and a new accumalator...Will get the system vaccumed and will see how it works....Sure would like the AC working...Hasn't worked for four years..