Accurately Adjusting Timing


New member
Nov 13, 2008
How are you guys with p-pump 24v's getting the motor to exact tdc when the timing pin has been removed for the cam sensor? I made a tdc mark on my converter when i had the head off. A few weeks ago I placed my dial indicator into the pump and placed the motor at tdc to double check my timing and according to the chart my timing is around 27*. The pump was suppose to be lock timed at 21*. So is anyone using a long dial indicator and going through injector hole #1 to get the motor to exact tdc?
We always go through the #1 injector hole with a dial indicator. Then use a degree wheel on the front end of the crankshaft. Make sure your pump is in the locked position and the gear off. Rotate engine to diesred timing, reinstall pump gear, and remove pump lock pin.
Drop valve method to find TDC. Dial in the pump to set timing, timing light to confirm. Or Jesse's adjustable pump gear, and timing light.
I used a dial in the injector hole and marked the damper. I also made a tool to time the pump independently. Im @ 24*.
To mark TDC for the first time I always pull the #1 injector, and put a steel rod in thru the inj hole onto the top of the piston (sits right in the center). I made a holder for the rod to bolt down to the injector hold down bolt (just to keep the rod vertical), put the dial indicator on top of the rod and then find the highest reading. Once you find the highest reading, back off 0.100" and then come back up to 0.050" reading and mark the balancer. Do the same thing from the other side of TDC (crank moving in the opposite direction) and mark the 0.050" point on the balancer. Then mark TDC on the balancer as the middle of these two points.

If you just find TDC once and mark the balancer it isn't very accurate as the piston dwells at TDC for a while. You could be off a few degrees. The above method would be the most accurate. The 0.100" and 0.050" numbers are just arbitrary, you can use what ever you like, it's just important that you use the same numbers for each side of TDC.
awesome...:thankyou2:. I will use the dial indicator method to check it again once i get it back up and running. I will most likely do it like GOT-Torque said because i like precision. Can you tell me more about the timing light method? Can you use a normal timing light?
you will need an adapter that mounts on an injection line and creates an electronic pulse when the injector fires in order to use a normal timing light.
you will need an adapter that mounts on an injection line and creates an electronic pulse when the injector fires in order to use a normal timing light.

Ok i will check into this, i have a digital snap-on that can be commanded up to like 99* advance so that would work real slick for double checking