Advanced Timing


Nailed It!
Nov 29, 2006
So I hear alot fo you guys talking about advancing the timing on the Injector Pump, How exactly do you do that, and how does it work? what would it be used in conjunction with?
the reason for advancing the timing is to help burn the fuel once you are dumping it in plus there is some other benefits to some so a drop in egt. Problem is it also increases cylinder pressure so need to go studs atleast to safe the gasket over time and sometimes right away.

Now the procedure you will need a timing kit to do it right snap on sell one.

First you have to bring the motor to TDC, then remove the oil fill tube by twisting it to the left it comes out, inside that cover is a nut I forget what size it is it hold the timing gear on, remove the injection line off the number one dv socket which is the first one in front on the pump itself. Then you remove the dv socket and attach the dial indicator that came in the kit now spin the motor over some and read the amount of lift that is being read on the dial indicator to see where the timing is set at there is a chart on PDR's web site of the mm incremints for the degrees of timing. Then you spin motor over till you get to the amount of lift that corresponds with the degrees of timing you want, once there you need to losen the nut that holds the timing gear on if it move the degrees just spin motor back once you have the nut off. Then you use the puller to pull gear off the shaft once its off spin motor back to TDC lock the pin in place now put gear on and start to tighten the nut back up once snug, pop pin out so you don't break it off, torque the gear down there is a new number to torque it to but don't remeber that either but it helps with the problem some have had of the gear slipping once back together. After torqued remove dial indicator and but dv socket and injection line back on and put oil fill tube back in place and you are set to go if I forgot anything others should fill in or me.:welcome:
The nut on the gear is easy to get off-------
The washer must have TWO magnets, one on the shaft & the other on the washer.:soap:
If you drop the washer, it ALWAYS goes into the oil pan !!!!:badidea:

Best of luck,