advice 12v build

Oh boy. ^^

I mustache you a question....
Search function here top right corner of the page. This will be repeated a bunch to you in the near future, as to questions that have been covered numerous times and questions that do not really relate to competition use. This is Comp D.

Your new to the site I see , welcome but word of advise there are people on here that know what they are talkin about, so listen and some that just repeat what they hear. Take that as you wish.

Ya I did a lot of searching that's how I found out about the switch.. And I did it for performance cause me truck wouldn't hit od during wot!!! But now it does just didn't k ow if it was bad for everyday driving?? The people on here are definitely smart that's why I take all the hazing on the site so I know I'm building it right.. a lot of the other sites are clown site!!!