AFC Housing


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Is it bad to have ur afc housing Gutted? What does it do? Can it Hurt Anything? Does ur Fuel Plate Do Anything if it is Gutted? Anyone have any clue?
Is it bad to have ur afc housing Gutted? Depends on your application
What does it do? Air fuel control
Can it Hurt Anything? Yes
Does ur Fuel Plate Do Anything if it is Gutted? Yes
Anyone have any clue? Yes

Does that help at all?
How about next time you only start one thread instead of making a repost???
how about i tryed but i put it in the wrong section damn everyone who owns a 24v is about an asshole. along with u
What about us guys that have a p-pump on their 24v?

Oh, and you can ask a mod to move a thread instead of making a new one. Just a little fyi.
well i mean i'm not tryin to make any truck look bad and im not sayin mine is great it's just that i new to this forum and everybody is givin me sh1t when i ask a question lol. my cousin has a p pumped 24 v and i helped him build it and i love that truck.but give me some slack im new lol
well i mean i'm not tryin to make any truck look bad and im not sayin mine is great it's just that i new to this forum and everybody is givin me sh1t when i ask a question lol. my cousin has a p pumped 24 v and i helped him build it and i love that truck.but give me some slack im new lol

Then take your time, look around, and learn to search...this site is not new guy friendly when you ask the same questions that have been asked, answered, discussed, beat to death, etc, etc, etc.

It's not that we're trying to be azzholes, but we really are azzholes;) ;)

Then take your time, look around, and learn to search...this site is not new guy friendly when you ask the same questions that have been asked, answered, discussed, beat to death, etc, etc, etc.

It's not that we're trying to be azzholes, but we really are azzholes;) ;)

Well said Chris.

If you want everyone to be nice and hold your hand, and go over the same stuff over and over, find another site.

If you want the best tech info on the net, use decent grammar and spelling, and don't have a thin skin you should hang out here.
I think that instead of the search button always coming up we should have a big ole' sticky concerning each part of the pump that is most commonly asked about. Just my .02 but I think that would save alot of forum space and be the first thing the newb see's when in the forum.