
I like it without but its personal preference. You can make it run the same either way.
there's a search button in the upper left hand corner. its been hashed many times before.....
i like it best with no plate and an AFC to control low boost fuel to keep it clean on the street.

^^x2 I like running the AFC for the low end fueling control so your not sooting everyone while taking off. but there are some people that prefer to control that with their right foot as well. its all personal preference really.
no plate, afc washer's flipped and ground down, foot chopd for full travel and stock spring stretched out a bit to take up the space/
I just pour diesel into the intake with a coffee can.
:cheer:didnt see any horns on any of those pic. so you must be a:cheer:
Me? A cheerleader:hehe::hehe:

Nope, just a guy trying to teach you to help yourself, and think for yourself.

You are trying to get a yes/no answer to a question with to many variables. Not to mention that for every guy like me that wouldn't want to run a truck without an AFC there is a guy that wouldn't put one on his...
:cheer:didnt see any horns on any of those pic. so you must be a:cheer:

Nah. I just laugh at others ignorance. Everyone is telling you to do a search yet you refuse to do one. That's either ignorance, stupidity, or laziness. Neither of which will get you far.
Good luck on Comp D me, these guys are the helpful ones...the others will just tear you apart;)

Search is your friend, the AFC has been discussed many, MANY times here before:D
