Air Intake temps


Proud Fummins Owner
Jun 19, 2008
Just curious what if anything, anyone has done to help keep the temps down under the hood?

Several days ago, it was about 86* here outside. Driving around town, I noticed my IAT temps were 130*.

My air filter is located where my passenger side battery used to be. I've thought about getting a different hood, or trying to fab up something to get more airflow to the filter. I know when my IAT temps get up that high, truck is sluggish and smokey :doh:
I don't think anything off the shelf is going to fit, since this is a fummins and there isn't much room left.

Look up "Zoodad Mod" for SuperDuty trucks! It's where they would trim the fiberglass header panel behind the grille for more air, just do it to the passenger side instead. I trimmed the driver side of mine when it was a 6.0, now I just need to make the passenger side match. If you don't find it let me know and I'll take pics. Steven
Do you mean the actual intake temp, or the intake manifold temp?

That AIT sensor is in the intake yes, it is the actual intake temp that is in the manifold. Not sure of your question.

When you say "driving around town," do you mean light pedal or stompin' it between lights? I sure wouldn't expect 130F AIT when puttin' around town at 86F ambient. I guess that is only 44 degrees above ambient which isn't out of line. Trimming panels for more air is only gonna help when you are moving and the faster you go the better. When I'm at stop lights, the AIT climbs up the longer I sit. Once moving, the lower it drops...but I'm sure you know that. Is there any room on a fummins to ram so air into a box around the filter from the front? I've wanted to do this on my dodge for years and have never found a hole large enough from the front to get it there. I'm not well educated on twins so they may play differently than I'm used to also.
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Yes I do mean actual air intake temps as its measured by the sensor that is in the intake.

Yeah I was looking at ways to trim things to get more air flow to the filter, which now sits on the passenger side vs the drivers side when the 7.3 was in there.

I may look more into a functional cowl hood to see if I can draw out the heat better too.
The guy by me that rebuilds turbos for a living just spaces the back of the hood up about a good 1/2" to let the heat out the back edge of the hood.
It does look a little funny but he says it works.

Look up "Zoodad Mod" for SuperDuty trucks! It's where they would trim the fiberglass header panel behind the grille for more air, just do it to the passenger side instead. I trimmed the driver side of mine when it was a 6.0, now I just need to make the passenger side match. If you don't find it let me know and I'll take pics. Steven

Wow it's got a stupid name! I've been doing that with a holesaw on a drill since 02 when my dad bought a low mile F250 7.3L! Then when they came out with the 6.0 I did it for a few friends and still do it for customers at no charge!
Wow it's got a stupid name! I've been doing that with a holesaw on a drill since 02 when my dad bought a low mile F250 7.3L! Then when they came out with the 6.0 I did it for a few friends and still do it for customers at no charge!
Yep, I think I would've named it something better!LOL
Funny thing about cowl hood and the lifted hood thing is the way they work they actually force cold air into the engine compartment from the windsheild area when the vehicle is moving. This is because this area where the air transitions up over the windsheild becomes a high pressure zone. It can not allow more air out except when the vehicle is not moving. This is why its popular in carburated cars and even factory on say the 70 LS6 chevelle. But they still look cool and yes I do have one lol..

Best bet is the zoodad mod pass side but you will still have the A/C condensor connection in front of it. But it works. Or go straight down into the wheel well and 90* forward for the ram air effect. Either way theres no really good option other than an isolation box for the filter.