Airdog pump


New member
Feb 18, 2013
First of all i would like to say hi i am new to this site. i seen a guy on here with a airdog 165 posted for sale i just cannot contact him because i am new here if anyone has a airdog pump they are looking to sell or can let the guy know who is trying to sell his i would appreciate it thanks
Look around on the forums and if you see something that you know about then post on it. You can easily get 10 posts or whatever is needed to pm in an hour. Just make sure they are legitimate posts and not a bunch of non-sense trying to jack your post count up. Good luck.
if you start bumping threads to get your post count up, you will be banned. Simple as that.

Also, punctuation. USE IT, or leave.
Welcome, Harry. I sent a PM to a guy that has one...or 300. :D Maybe he'll chime in and hook you up.
I did get notification that you were looking, however it sold a little bit before you came along. Sorry and Welcome!