airdog troubleshooting

Lucky Jeff

Stock Sucks
Apr 3, 2007
Truck died twice (03) today just cruising down the road. Pop the door open to hear the pump and there is nothing. Turning the key off and back on worked once, the other time it took two sweeps to get the pump to kick on. Anyone have any idea why it would just shut off while driving down the road? Pump is a few months old.
check the fuse for it on the airdog wire loom, it should be under the hood
My relay went out on my FASS.

On Thanksgiving day.

17 miles from home.

That was uncool.
Fuse could have bad connection but from the info you posted sounds like a relay issue, where is relay located bud....
i went thru 2 of the airdog 2's its in there harness my 3rd is doing th same thing it'll melt the fuse befor blowing it but is something in there harness pull the electric connector apart at the pump and smell it. it'll smell burnt
I had a problem with mine where the gearotor was rubbing on the housing and hanging up. Might pull the cover and have a look.
X2 ^

Check the rotor, if it's got any resistance it will cause the motor to load up and either blow the fuse or not run.

Give me a call and we can run through some other stuff as well.
Thanks guys, I'll do some looking into it tonight if the weather is decent enough.
An embarrassed friend :rolleyes:

We lifted the bed off to fix his fuel gauge and look at the pump at the same time. As soon as I pulled the sump i noticed the low fuel level. It all of a sudden dawned on him that it killed both times going downhill (His g/f called it and he didn't listen :hehe:)

Now I'm supposed to go adjust his valves because he thinks they're out, but I keep telling him it's probably injector rattle..