Another 4x4 and hvac problem


New member
Feb 1, 2008
I rotated my tires the other day and made sure my hubs were both on the AUTO setting. I got into some mud yesterday and 4wd would not engage so I had to jump out, pull off my center caps and put both hubs into LOCK myself.
After that 4wd clicked right in and worked fine but the other problem I have is when the a/c is on and I click into 4wd the air switches itself from the front vents to the defrost vents.

My truck has been in the shop alot lately and ford recently replaced the motor. Is there a line somewhere to check or how do I find out what is going on? I checked the vacuum line on the heater core solenoid deal and it was all hooked up and fine as far as I could tell. I just want to get this figured out before winter and without taking it to the dealer if possible.
4x4s have a 4x4 vacuum control solenoid next to the vacuum pump. Its the little guy with the yellowish white top on it. Sometimes they leak and run the pump until it weakens it. So most times under warranty they both get replaced.
I just replaced my 4x4 vacuum solenoid. My hubs were randomly engaging and the vacuum pump was running a lot more often than normal. Do you hear your vacuum pump running every time you start the truck?
off the vacuum part theres 2 post a black one close to the fender and a white/clear one to the motor side. It looks like the the 2post on the white one, the 90off the motor has a line on it but the 180 towards the front of the truck is just open. I can put my finger on the hole and feel slight pressure and hear it when i let off it.

I dont see any lines laying around there not connected but theres gotta be something missing in there right? Anyone know what that is supposed to go to?
Gotcha thanks, just seems really weird though because if you cap it with your finger and let go a few seconds later you can hear the air rush in/out.

Time to dig deeper I guess