another Missouri Boy


New member
Nov 14, 2007
hey guys was on another forum and found out about this one. i live at the Lake of The Ozarks but go to college in Saint Louis. hope to have some fun and maybe meet some new people in both the STL and Ozark area..
Got Diesel, are you originally from Montgomery City by chance?
i live on farm between eldon and the lake, in the summer but right now im living in saint louis because i go to school here.
I was raised in Warrenton actually but I spend most all of my time in Mont City now. My girlfriends mom and dad live there and I spend most all my time there. Besides during the week when I am at school.
:welcome: If you are ever around St. Charles let me know and we can grab beer.
Got Diesel said:
I was raised in Warrenton actually but I spend most all of my time in Mont City now. My girlfriends mom and dad live there and I spend most all my time there. Besides during the week when I am at school.
Thats cool, I used to date a girl in Montgomery City, don't know a Dianna Hoette do you? Its been a few years though...
I am sure Julie, or her mom and dad would know who she is. If you all ever see the truck flag me down or something.
If Julie lived there he whole life and is in the 25 yr. old age group she might know her...
Julie has lived there her whole life but only falls in the 19-20 yr age group, I am only 21 goin on 22.