Another Ohio member


New member
Apr 5, 2011
I've never posted on here but have been around for quite a while. I own a 95 cummins, and i live in central ohio. I came over here to do research, and maybe buy up some parts in the process, so i probably wont post much
I'm just NW of Columbus In the marysville area. I see your from London, I work over that way just off 42 on 29
I have to remember where that's at. I think it's just past that heading to west Jeff. Right on the other side of 70
It seems like there are a lot of people on here from central Ohio. I drive through plain city 4 days a week so I'm sure I've probably seen a couple of the rigs on here
I drive the white dodge rclb with black tailgate/rollpan and the OCR sticker in the back window. I don't drive it much because I bought it with several issues and I couldn't afford to fix everything at once. Right now it's sitting at monro since I have a friend who is manager there and he let me use a lift to pull the trans. It is currently getting rebuilt by another member on here but hopefully if everything works out I'll get it back together tomorrow. The front end needs rebuilt also. I don't quite have the death wobble but it's a scary ride. Once I get that all fixed, i can start building the fun street truck I want
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Another welcome from Plain City. What member did your tranny if you don't mind me asking
I would assume Hobie is doing it.

Welcome also from Plain City!

Yep, Hobie has it right now. Thanks for the welcome guys. I've been kinda lurking around this site for a while now with big dreams but not enough funds to get me there. But now that I have a decent job, I'm hoping to build a fun street truck that i can take to the strip, in the 5-600hp range
Yeah I just seen that truck the other day but never seen it before.

its pretty beat lol. I got a decent deal on it, thats the only reason I bought it, but it still needs a ton of work so it doesnt see much drive time. what truck is yours? and do you know who drives the black with grey stripe obs, with all black tailgate (i believe)? I've been kinda wondering. I see it all over, its a sharp looking truck

Thanks for the welcome guys
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