Antifreeze out the Exhaust


Nov 6, 2007
So I lost power gained a miss a few weeks back thats been gettin worse (Got another thread on that), Today I towed a Skid Steer about 30 miles, got to where I was goin and it stunk of Antifreeze didn't think much of it, parked the truck and worked for about 5 hours came back went to start the truck, hit the key and the engine made a rotation and stopped completly for a second then made another revolution and stopped breifly, did this 2-3 more times then popped off with a cloud of smoke.. idled fine with the usual Cloud of blue smoke that my 6.0l has. Drove to the highway and as i was gettin on it on the road i saw that i was pushin a liquid out the tail-pipe stopped to find taht its antifreeze.. So what went too hell to cause this? Head gasket? EGR? and was it Hydro-locked or partially Hydro-locked when i went to start it that it didn't want to crank smooth?
Friends truck did something similar. You more than likely popped the EGR cooler. When that happens antifreeze goes straight into the intake. The reason it popped was due to an overpressurization of the cooling system due to blown headgaskets. Don't drive it or you will be replacing the motor.
Either EGR cooler or headgaskets. Sounds like it got close hydrolocking. Be careful trying to start it.
Ruptured cooler. But it comes from the around 1200 or so degrees running across it. The 16lbs in the cooling system isn't much for it. It runs out the back and goes through the turbine. If it sits long enough it can get into the intake but usually not much gets in there unless the truck is sitting nose down.

Now that its ruptured. Remove it.

sounds like doug is right! get it outta there and have one less thing to worry about! that would scare the crap outta me!fix it before you mess something else up! like bent valves! could get expensive fast!
EGR cooler. And water can push its way into the intake and find its way into the cylinders hydrolocking the engine.
Well its spent the last week at the dealer.. It was the EGR Cooler and Two injectors.. Drove the truck 367 miles in the last 2 days, dropped the same two injectors again.. Related?
Thats about as far from the coolant source as you can get. But back there is alot of intake bolts with studs sticking up. Possible harness issue now?
I dunno, Its goin back Next week see what they have too say