Any Ideas?


New member
Oct 17, 2009
01 vp airdog150 twins 120hp injectors bla bla,anyways past couple weeks truck is getting worse at wanting to start, sometimes it fires right off and sometimes it dont, swaped out the comp for the juice and my fuel pressure idle or wfo stays around 15/18 psi. Runs great after it starts but cant figure why its doing this now, only thing ive changed is the comp for the juice??? Thanks in advance
Does the length of time it sits make a difference? Buddy had an '01 that needed to be cranked and cranked after it sat for a while-then it started putting fuel into the oil. Turned out to be the injector body O-rings bleeding down the fuel system. We changed them out and all was good.

Any codes? Original VP? How many miles on VP if its a replacement. Even pumps with good pressure will eventually fail.
I am assuming that this was occurring before you swapped boxes. A couple of things come to mind, and there are a couple of tests you can do to see which is the most likely culprit.

1) Failed Cascade (return) valve. This will cause the fuel in the lines to bleed back into the tank resulting in a hard start. The longer the truck sits, to a point, the harder it will be to start. The test is to park the truck facing down hill. This will keep the tank higher than the valve, keeping fuel from draining back as easily. Fix, new valve.

2) A fuel leak, similar symptoms to the top scenario, and just start by looking for wet spots.

3) Damaged fuel metering diaphragm inside the VP. When the vp is exposed to low pressure, the fuel metering diaphragm can travel up to 4x the designed distance that it is supposed to travel. This excess wear can cause the diaphragm to crack and become weak. Then when subjected to the higher pressure of a new stock, or performance lift pump, the metering diaphragm is overridden by the high pressure and it can't function as designed. When this occurs, the truck will have trouble starting when hot. The hotter the truck, and in my experience, the hotter the day, the harder it will be to start (I have no explaination for why ambient air temperature would have an effect on this). Cold starts will hardly be effected, and if shut down and immediately started again, there shouldn't be much issue either. The test for this. Sometime when the condition exists and the truck is having trouble starting, disconnect the lift pump circuit and try to start the truck again. If this is the problem, the truck will fire right up when the lift pump is not running. The truck should start like normal. If it does, immediately shut it down and plug the lift pump back in, so as not to damage the pump any further. Unfortunately, the metering diaphragm is not something that can be replaced without rebuilding the pump. If the metering diaphragm is the problem, there are a couple of fixes.
A) Wire in a switch to the lift pump. Wait until the truck is started, and then turn it on. This works but isn't my favorite solution. If for some reason someone else needs to drive your truck, it is a hassle explaining the switch that they have to remember to flip.
B) Wire in a N/O oil pressure switch that completes the circuit at 4-6psi oil pressure. This way the the truck has to be running in order for the lift pump to come on. But you have the added bonus that it comes on automatically.

Those are the places I would start looking. Hope this helps.
Good info guys yes it started about 2 weeks before the box swap. I only drive it when I'm home from work mabe once or twice a week to town and back but it don't matter if I drive it shut it off and try starting it again it still does it. I noticed at the fair last night it cranked and fired as soon as I let off the key so I don't know. Truck had 90,000 when I bought it and I'm sure it's the original vp it's got 113 on it now, put the airdog on as soon as I bought it but that don't rule anything out. The injectors are junk edge ones so it's possible that those are the problem bleeding off
mine will get pissy every now and then but i found if i turn the key on then wait just half a second then start, it stopped the hard starts. i doubt it has anything to do with the heater grid since it is literally half a second wait dont know if the extra time gave the ecm time to make its mind up or what but it works
try hardwiring your fuel pump to your power window fuse or any other fuse that turns on with the key. i was having an awful hard start problem, and after hardwiring my fass it starts with no problem now