Any one using the SPA Rail guage?


I came for the party!
Jun 4, 2008
I was told SPA made a dual guage, that reads rail pressure and any other pressure? I was thinking that would clean up my problem with guage mounting and give me the rail pressure guage I desprately need. I want to read rail, and inlet PSI off of one guage. If this is true where do you buy one?
I had one in my '03. It's a fantastic gauge. You can set the averaging rates for the rail pressure response from slow to fast. I used it to measure rail pressure and fuel pressure (from the FASS) and it served me well. I never, ever had any issues with the pressure transducer. Expensive (around $250 IIRC) but well worth it.

You do have to order direct from SPA Technique. If my iPhone wasn't dead I'd post the number...
Yes, I'd like more info on this as well....I'm gonna need a rail guage and press from my Fass as well....

Web site???

Where to see and research.??
I did a search on them today, and found their web site (turns out they are just south of me in Indy...) how ever it doesn't actually list a RP guage. I sent them an e-mail requesting more info so I'll post up what I find out. i suspect it won't be till after the is