Anybody have a source for 48re gear selector cables yet ?


Not enough time
Jun 20, 2012
I quit searching a couple months ago. Does anybody know where to buy one ? TIA - Mike
they are on backorder, we used to always keep a pile on the shelf and have been out of stock for a few months.

I called the dealers in state and the dealer in Kellogg Idaho a few weeks ago. Just posting to see if anybody has a found any yet.
What is failing? The tabs that keep it in the bracket? If that's it a few well placed zip ties haven't let me down in years!
Got mine from the dealer for like 70 bucks. It was on stock

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Alright . There has been a huge back order nation wide. I talked to a dealer in another state and he said it was due to them redesigning the cable and they had stopped making the original style. People have been waiting 6 months or more for a shift cable but the new ones are finally showing up dealerships.
How bad do you need one? I have a used '05 stock cable that I don't need...
Well, if a new one is $70 at the dealer, how about $40 shipped?