Anyone heard from Mark Nixon?

5.9 Cummins Fan

Mar 16, 2009
Paid for a throttle pedal, starter and steering box on September 5. Haven't received a package or heard back from him since September 10. Sure he is traveling somewhere, just would like to know what's going on. So has anyone heard from him?
I've never purchased anything from him, but he has always seemed to be a real stand up guy. I'm sure there's a good explanation.

Sent from my paperweight
I haven't heard from him either but I'm not going to doubt him. No reason too. Most likely just busy.
I know he isn't ripping me off, just wondering if anyone had heard from him. Just like to know whats going on....
I apologize for not being available. :(

I didn't do the trip mentioned above.
I did still make a trip, but it was to Salt Lake City, then Southern Colorado.

In the future, my for sale ads always have a phone number.
Look any one of them up and contact me that way, and if I am not here the person here will give you my cell number.
This forum also offers to E-mail directly and I get those on my cell, include your phone number and you'll get a call from me.

The items will ship on Monday.

I'm truly sorry you had difficulty on this. :(

Hey no difficulties Mark, just trying to stay in the loop. I didn't know there were email links here, thanks for the heads up. Thanks man!
No problem, it's as much on me as anyone.

As far as e-mailing, I think you can choose whether you want to receive e-mails.
Just click the username and it's (usually) the 3rd one down.

This went out via Fed to-day.
Tracking number is 795839428141

It was quite a hefty package at nearly 54 pounds!

Thank you both for not making us (mods) deal with another train wreck. Much appreciated.
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