Anyone know about Sturgis Ken. 2009 spring?


The indoor pulls? Havnt heard any dates yet but i will post them when i find out.
Thanks, planning on be there again this year. Maybe i can get Brandon to go so i can whip up on him. lol:poke:
I had some bad luck there last year. That is where I blew my pinion.
Yea! There was alot of carnage! I got a sled up my "butt" in the pull off. Bent my bumper and rear quarter. That was my fault. Still had a great time and looking foward to this year. Its going to be a mystery how"she" will run this year! Alot of new parts and no pulls on her yet.:charger:
The track looks like rut city after a few pulls?? also does not look to packed that would be a 5 hour drive :doh:.
The track looks like rut city after a few pulls?? also does not look to packed that would be a 5 hour drive :doh:.

It gets fairly packed thru the night. The diesels pull last, We left at about 11:30pm CST after the lastr truck so alot of people had left by then.
Had a great time last year. I'm going to do my best to make this pull. Phil, you should come. I met a lot of good people there. I think its the first time i got to meet Haloman in person, What a nice guy. Sturgis is fun, can't wait.
Had a great time last year. I'm going to do my best to make this pull. Phil, you should come. I met a lot of good people there. I think its the first time i got to meet Haloman in person, What a nice guy. Sturgis is fun, can't wait.

Yes sir it was the first time I met your crew. Good Times! :rockwoot:
I had a great time it was realy cool. I didnt break last year, I almost didnt pull because of the carnige. That is a lot of broken trucks and it was my first pull of the year on a new motor so i was scared. Ive come a long way since that pull. I know there is more people comming this year from my kneck of the woods cuz ive been spreading the word.