Apparently im dumb!


Microwaving cats since 01
Aug 28, 2006
Has anybody else had somebody tell them they have no idea what they are talking about when it come to diesels?:bang

Im at a buddys house and we are on the back poorch drinking beer and there are these to kids talking about a test bench for pumps. So naturally my ears perk up since i would love to flow my pump and if i can do it at school that makes it even better. At first they didnt understand about the bench, and i explained to them that you set the fuel pump on the bench and it spins the pump and you can measure the flow. One of them then tells me that i cannot do this, i hydraulic pump bench spins the pump, not a fuel injection pump stand. Thats when this reflex starts in.:bang

Anyway i am trying to explain what i mean and they wouldnt hear any of it. I told them i had a p7100, and he goes "o ya, thats all mechanical".:bang No ****! Anyway he kept rambling about there are these screws that turn up the gonernor, and how i cannot get the pump to flow any more then it does. the only way for true power in injcetors and thats is it.:hehe:

So i finally stop their ranting, and give them this senario. My truck stock dynos at 160, i mess with the governor and plate and dyno at 330 with twins, then i chuck the plate, leave the governor alone and make some rack travel adjustments and dyno at 370, then i add delivery valves and i hit 450. What explains the power? The cocky one tells me it was my governorn but instead of explaining the other jumps he goes back to telling me that for 90$ a pop i can upgrade my injectors, so why wouldnt i? I think he was jealous, because he has a psd and 3k gets him injectors.:hehe: Any way, a long story short, apparently i cannot get my pump to flow any more then it comes with without adding injectors.:bang

Sorry for the run together story, but im tired of being told that i have no idea what i am talking about. I mean these are some company's future mechanics.:bang :hehe:

I just had to rant.:thankyou2:
Thats why I think its nice to meet someone who will listen and enjoys learning new things instead of knowing it all and being wrong 90% of the time. Nobody every learned anything by yapping. I feel your pain, I'm surrounded by the same calibur of people you just described.
Oh yeah, 3k for some nice injectors!!!!!:hehe: LOL

It cracks me up when these "wanna-know-it-alls" get going. I don't know how many times I have corrected people when they talk about diesel engines. I don't know it all myself, but I know a hell of lot more than I did when I first diesel. I thought that you had to change the injectors to get more power (and smoke, lol) but once I shut up and listened along with doing my own research I wised up.
Needless to say i was pissed, but his nex comment made my night. He was *****ing about his injector costs, and then said he wanted a chip for 100hp. I tried to tell him that wasnt much, but before i could finish my thought he looks me dead in the eye and said: "that is alot!":hehe:

Anyway if he uses this chip and gets 100hp that makes his theory void. From his side he should not be able to get any more hp out of that chip then i can turning my truck up without upgrading the injectors first.:hehe: I mean im looking for IP cc's and he is looking for oil pump cc's.
inline6359 said:
Needless to say i was pissed, but his nex comment made my night. He was *****ing about his injector costs, and then said he wanted a chip for 100hp. I tried to tell him that wasnt much, but before i could finish my thought he looks me dead in the eye and said: "that is alot!":hehe:

Anyway if he uses this chip and gets 100hp that makes his theory void. From his side he should not be able to get any more hp out of that chip then i can turning my truck up without upgrading the injectors first.:hehe: I mean im looking for IP cc's and he is looking for oil pump cc's.
He needs educated, bigtime. I love how some guys think that stacking two 125 horse items means they are putting 250 more hp to the ground. :hehe: LOL
Let's see....:umno:
ask the guy if he is going to put some high performace spark plug wires or a double throw ignition box on it,,, mybe he'll have "fire"LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
Hmmmmm you should have mentioned the super secret TCB box to him and really pissed in his wheaties LOL LOL
Everywhere you go I assure you there will be stupid people. You should've seen the comments I'd get when fulling with Gm's LS1 motors doing custom cams etc. "No man, you can't run a tighter lsa then 112, it just won't work......." etc. etc.. Moral, stupid people are everywhere! I used to argue now I just smile, nod my head, and change the subject and wait for the next rediculous automotive conversation to start. "hey, did you see that new flux capacitor special at pep boys......":eek:wned:
Usually i have no problem letting them go but when i make a point and try to stop you from going on there is usually something terribly wrong with your logic.

At least i wasnt drunk, i would have :kick: thier logic infront of everybody on the poorch and made them feel stupid.
Sober I usually just smile, nod, agree and let em talk. When I've had a few, for some reason that changes :Cheer: . Of course I never get upset over it. I just laugh a little harder.
Sounds more like future stupivisors, than mechanics.
CumminAtYa said:
He needs educated, bigtime. I love how some guys think that stacking two 125 horse items means they are putting 250 more hp to the ground. :hehe: LOL
Let's see....:umno:

I completely hear ya! I had a kid @ school tell me with his 24v w/ stock turbo he had close to 550-600hp. since he had a 100hp chip stacked on a 150hp chip and 75hp injectors...:hehe:

Or the kid that tells me the other day how he wants to buy a 7.3 so he can " black smoke" at people...well he told me he wouldnt pay for a he asked if I thought plastic wrap around the air filter would work! :bang

oh...p.s. I go to school with these kids for DIESEL MECHANICS!! :bang idiots...
Just because the are in mechanic school dosen't mean they are going to be mechanics. I hurd a bad turbo injury over at Phx ATI kid put his hand in a turbo to stop it. He replyed I thought it would take a few fingers to stop it?
you know i dont drive a cummins...but i know alot about all the strokes, dmax's, and cummins...and i love it when people say stupid sh! sittin there laughin so hard one time this kid was tellin me how he shot three injectors straight through his hood lmfao.....btw this was in his "MEAN" 6.5 :bang :hehe: but i dont say ne thing...i just smile and say..."Damn! u must have a badass truck"LOL
My dad had a 83 GMC with a dent in the hood from a spark plug, but it wasn't a bad ass tuck.
I got to sit in on a discussion recently and learned that GM is going to offer the Cummins as an optional engine in the 2500-3500 trucks, and Dodge is going to put a Mercedes engine in their trucks... sigh...
i talked with a gentleman the other day that informed me that he had test driven "one of those new dodges with the 6.7 liter mercedes engine in it." i smiled and told him yeah did you hear that ford owns cummins? he agreed, i just walked off...its all i could do.
jamesl said:
i talked with a gentleman the other day that informed me that he had test driven "one of those new dodges with the 6.7 liter mercedes engine in it." i smiled and told him yeah did you hear that ford owns cummins? he agreed, i just walked off...its all i could do.