apps going out?


New member
Jul 19, 2006
ok so im pretty shure my apps is on its way out but wanted to get some other opinions. when at the normal throttel level i use to cruse around town i have very poor and jerky throttel response to none then throttel again. the truck run fine at full throttel and with cruse control on i have no problems. Im getting codes for low apps input voltage so u guys agree or do u think its something else? also i was quoted 570 some dollars from my local dodge dealership.
did you re-set it?

i found doing the battery re-set first then doing the voltage re-set it make a big difference

Do the reset(s) first. If they don't help the best way to tell is have someone look at the actual output of the sensor using a diagnostic tool. If you have spikes or gaps in the output it's bad. If it is bad take your engine serial # with you to the local Cummins dealer and get one there for around $400 IIRC.
Suncoast has a 101 on how to re ground it considering the grounds make up alot of problems on these, so I'd re ground it, then reset your APPS.

I'm not for sure where I found it, but if you can't find it float me a PM and I'll email to ya.