ArcticLady - New from Fairbanks, Alaska

I reckon this is the longest Intro thread where the OP never came back in to

Why exactly???
sheesh dave, didn't read the last three pages? that would be a why, straight and to the point.
last activity was 7-17-11.... she hasn't even signed in since she made this thread!
wtf..thread jackers dun fooked another one..

yeah..detective swole.abawahahahahah
I can tell by your amazing detective skills you are well on your way to Captain.


I almost spit the sunflower seeds that I have yet to shell when I read this. :hehe:

Nice play Sinner. :D
Yeah, Deserve that chit!!!


Was having one of my days...

I've got the full 6 pack but I lack that little plastic thingy that holds them all together sometimes!!!! LOL