ARP Headstuds. Best place to buy them?


FarmBoy pickups RULE!!!!
Jan 14, 2010
Where is the best place to buy arp headstuds? And any info on headstuds that i person might wanna know? Thanks for any and all info? Scott
Greg Hogue. Member COMP461, give him a PM about a set... best price, hands down.
Sourrce Automotive has the for $420. About the best price I've seen advertised.
Thanks you guys for your help!!! Appreciate It. Wow 366 and some change for a set of studs helluva deal.
I got mine at for $375 2 years ago. just checked it and they raised it to $420.
$420 is basically the normal price at 90% of the places that sell them, so really, anything cheaper is a good price. I bought mine last year for $385 shipped. Which then was the cheapest I could find... but $366 for NEW ARP studs is a great price, unless they charge $30+ shipping, lol
$420 is basically the normal price at 90% of the places that sell them, so really, anything cheaper is a good price. I bought mine last year for $385 shipped. Which then was the cheapest I could find... but $366 for NEW ARP studs is a great price, unless they charge $30+ shipping, lol

CNC's S&H is $10.95 "OTD" $377.59
Subscribed. I will be doing this soon too...