Banks duals


New member
Oct 10, 2006
i want to get rid of my 5" straight pipe and get the banks duals cuz i would like black smoke rolling out of both sides of my truck and was curious if they are worth the money i talked to all companies that make duals and they all said 4" duals would hit my B&W hitch and then i called banks and they said that their duals would fit cuz the the pipes are 3 1/2.
Please help me!!!
Tom :bow:
I wouldn't buy the banks either way. I'm sure there are ways you could modify it to work if you had to. If you buy the Banks, get them to agree to refund your money in full if you want to return it in case it does end up hitting the hitch. I personally wouldn't put anything Banks on my truck, except Gale himself when I run him JK
There are other Cheaper alternitives than Banks. Chech with our vendors most can get you a nice set of duals cheaper. $.02
i still have the remnants of a banks system on my truck. the duals are crap stainless that will rust in a month. they claim its 409 but i dont think so. silverline or mbrp both are a better value.
i was looking at flo-pro duals aybody know about them or have them silverline and mbrp wont fit cause both the techs at both companies said since my hitch is there they will hit so flo-pro is a possabilty.
Can't have an exhuast shop do it for you? Thats what I would do... they will make sure it fits.
i just got a great idea for my own custom dual set-up let me know if you guys think it work or not. Cutting my tailpipe where the straight is welded and making a 5in "T" pipe, then getting (2) 90* elbows to bring the exhaust back then from there running pipe to (2) 45* elbows to get the exit. i dont know exactly if it will work or not but let me know what your thoughts are!
I heard the Banks exhaust removes smoke and this makes Nancy Pelosi very happy.
Hello Colin. LOL

My good buddy is running the flo pro duals with muffler on his 12v dodge and they sound awesome and look great.