Bb_cummins !! Bad seller!!!!


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Sorry but its a Long story.

So I bought a super b special turbo with down pipe from BB CUMMINS. This all started on feb 20th. First problem was he wasn't ready to sell it until he found another turbo to use in a twin setup. I was fine with that so I sent him a down payment on feb26th.he told me from the beginning that as soon as he got his secondary he would send the bd special. Well we both looked all over to find him a turbo and he finally decided on a he351 off eBay. He didn't have the cash to buy it so I told him I would buy it and have it shipped straight to him. I bought it on mar14th and it got to him on the 19th. So then I sent him the last of the money and was completely paid by on mar25th. Long story short with a whole bunch of excuses it's now apr 22nd and it still hasn't shipped out. Now I can't get him on the phone at all. I think I was completely patient and bent over backwards to make this deal happen. This started on CF now is trying to sell it on here

Just thought I would let everyone know.
Good luck getting either your turbo and/or your money back. Chit like this really pisses me off.....makes the few honest people left in this world not want to deal at all.
Man I appreciate it. He finally sent something out. He sent me 1 tracking number and I can't get him to say if he sent the turbo and down pipe in same box.
Man I appreciate it. He finally sent something out. He sent me 1 tracking number and I can't get him to say if he sent the turbo and down pipe in same box.

If that's all in the same box we want to see pictures.
Make sure you update this after you receive it. I have some business of my own to tend to after he makes it right.
Who did he use to ship it?

Hope you get the turbo in good condition.
im sorry man, but you put yourself in a retarded position. this guy basically , because of you was able to have his cake and eat it too. youre nuts.
Hate seeing this happen to anybody. Hopefully you the turbo is in good condition and the downpipe is with it. Good luck!
Better wear gloves & a dust mask when you open that package lol
Hope it shows up tho
Well I got a turbo but its a silver 62 says right on the tag. Now he's trying to say I'm lying and I sen him a pic of another turbo I had laying around.