I would first recommend upgrading the lift pump, you dont want the stock lift pump to go out and then have to buy and $1100 injector pump, I have a Raptor 150 gph and I love it, I have never had a problem with it. Second, do some of the easy bolt on stuff get a bhaf air filter cheap and easy for the cold air intake and I would atleast straight pipe your stock exhaust but if you have the cash go ahead and get a 4 incher(MBRP) and you'll be set, and if you don't have them already get a set of gauges so you know your engine vitals, being a manual tranny I wouldn't worry with a trans temp gauge, just boost, egt ,and fp(ISSPRO). Third I would go with the edge comp, I had one and its way better than anything else I have ever had. After that I would then get a clutch (Vailar). Then your ready for the power mods sticks turbos etc. But this should get you in the right direction.
Thanks Justin