Best non waste gated 64


Proud Fummins Owner
May 16, 2006
Looking for a non waste gated 64. Looking for quicker spooling for the 38" tires.

Currently have 150hp injectors and may go to 90s
45 is about all you want to push on a 64 anyways if its a T3 exhaust housing. I saw 50ish out of my 64/74/14 with the boost elbow screwed all the way in. The wastegate isn't going to affect spool up if the gate doesn't open til 45psi.
The preference of a gate or not comes down to cost and or future plans. Most t4 housings that breathe well do not have a gate so they are either externally gated or not at all which is why many run them. A non gated housing vs gated housing does not effect spool times necessarily anyhow.