Best way to launch - attn 4x4s

Rob D

Get R' Done
Mar 10, 2007
Seeing as how I am in the process of trying to blow my transmission...

I am going to go out this weekend and practice launching. I have never dragged the truck on any strip...but plan on running it this summer...therefore what better way to get some experience.

Those of you with 4x4s...what is your method...I know each persons truck will obviously have its own feel...but what is the best basic method...this may sound dumb but do you run 4 wheel all the way down or switch to 2 wheel after you hook...can you even do that at high speeds???
If you want it blown up. Neutral drop the damn thing. Come on. Just 4x4 launching it will take forever to kill it.
put it in 3rd gear and either powerbrake it or 4x4 launch it with it in 3rd on the column, that should hurt it after a little while. Or to kill it fast just rev it up in neutral and slam er' into gear.
sounds like he is interested in actually hearing opinions on how to best launch and has informed us that he isn't worried about blowing up the tranny. I'd like to hear the opinions on launching too, I think we all know how to blow up a tranny.

Should you bother switching to 2WD after hooking?
When is the 4x4 dis-engaging?
Does it since load is never taken off of the transfer case?
Is it electronically controlled and will happen at the next shift?
Does mph have anything to do with the 4WD dis-engaging even if you stay in 4WD?

So many questions....
rpm to 2000. Wait a couple seconds then go. With about 30 track runs she still shifts like shes new.

Why would one want to blow a trans??

Truck won't go back into 2x4 until you stop.
what pete said, after you let off switch back into 2wd, enough said, not that hard. Hold brake, use throttle and bring rpms to 2000s. Drop brake and floor it and HOLD THE F*** ON!
sounds like he is interested in actually hearing opinions on how to best launch and has informed us that he isn't worried about blowing up the tranny. I'd like to hear the opinions on launching too, I think we all know how to blow up a tranny.

Should you bother switching to 2WD after hooking?
When is the 4x4 dis-engaging?
Does it since load is never taken off of the transfer case?
Is it electronically controlled and will happen at the next shift?
Does mph have anything to do with the 4WD dis-engaging even if you stay in 4WD?

So many questions....

This is exactly what I am looking for...I do not care if my transmission blows since the dealer said I would be better off with a blown transmission since they cant "reproduce" the symptoms they know are there from when the mechanic took it for a ride with me. So as a wise man said, if they are trying to screw me I will return the favor.
what pete said, after you let off switch back into 2wd, enough said, not that hard. Hold brake, use throttle and bring rpms to 2000s. Drop brake and floor it and HOLD THE F*** ON!

Didnt know if should bother switching into 2wd after it hooks is all - if the electronics would even allow for it...obviously you hold the rpm and let go, but didn't know if there was anything else involved.
nope wait till you let off the throttle to make the turn, no need to distract you from driving the truck down the track. Thats just one more thing to worry about.
You'll remember pretty quick to switch it out of 4wd when you go to turn off. :D
Who actually looks at the RPMs'? I only tried looking at rpm's once and it totally screwed me up. Most people you'll be racing won't have a clue about courtesy staging for you. So either beat them to the light or if they pre stage before you light your first light then start building boost while pulling up slowly till your second light comes on. At that point lock up your brakes and build rpms till you feel your truck wanting to move. When the last yellow comes on nail the throttle and release the brake. Switch out of 4wd before you make the turn at the end of the track.
i find my best launchs are with 10-15psi of boost, i never pay attention to the rpms, i can launch at 20psi but it doesnt seem to do any good. at the track i cut low 1.8 60fts with this method and low 1.7s with the nitrous
I have 100s of 4wd launches. Like was stated earlier if you dont know the person in the lane next to you there not gonna give you the time to build boost. So i start to build with the pre stage lights on. Theres almost a break point in the boost. Soon as you pass that you will know cause the boost shoots up. Then pump the brake and let the truck slide into the stage. I used to leave at 25psi. But started thinking about it, and thats past my trucks torque peak. So im gonna start leaving alittle less now. Anyhow. Just hold steady at about 2000 rpm or so. Soon as that 3rd yellow comes on. Put it to the floor and hold on. Soon as mine launches i put it back into 2wd. But the truck doesnt come out till you let off under 45mph. Dont bother looking at the tach. Once you see what 2000rpm sounds like, you can pretty much stage by the sound of your truck. Honeslty stock tranny held up threw all of this. I think your gonna hurt a converter, standing on it more than you will the tranny. Just dont stand on them hard for too long. You DO NOT wanna experience a converter flashing.
I don't think this thread was about track racing but instead street runs. I agree about pre stag. and I always leave at 2000 rpm. It works great for my truck and boost is hard to watch.
I have made many launches both on the street and the track. I genrally let my truck sit around 1800 rpm's and try to keep the boost under 25psi. I leave it in 4x4 untill the I go throught the gates. Just some advice, if your doing a new trans, dont know if anyone agrees with me but, I installed a Precision Industries converter in my truck and it made a night and day difference when the truck goes into lock-up. Its a little more harsh then the stock unit but its worth it.
Do you have a stock T/C?

With my Suncoast Triple Disc, the brakes wont hold it above 1500-1700/10-14 lb, once it gets any higher in rpm/manifold pressure it goooes.

I also am curious about converter flash. . .
If I understood my friend who was an absolute fiend about this stuff, Flash is the point where the converter behaves like a solid coupling, and you take off. I think flash and stall speed are synonymous, but flashing the converter sounds better and makes more sense than stalling it...

Then again, I could be wrong...