Best way to remove fuel rail bolt


New member
Nov 26, 2009
What is the best way to loosen then fuel rail bolt on I have tried and ended up breaking a wrench it seems to be tightened by the hand of god just wanted to know if anyone has any easy methods for breaking them lose Thanks.
Get a better wrench ;-) . I locked 2 wrenches together to break mine loose.
I thought I had a good wrench haha apparently not. I have used a 1/2 in flex head breaker bar but it does not want to stay on the nut well enough in order for it to be all the way one there the cowl is in the way maybe it's just me idk but even when you pull on it the entire motor torques with it and I am afraid of stripping it off and don't really wanna pull the entire fuel rail. Is there any way to remove pressure from it or are they normally that tight?
I wedge a prybar behind the head of the ratchet so it can not slip off. They are normally that tight.
Yea I couldn't get a socket to stay because all mine has a radiused lip.