Beware of ATS springs!!!!!

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I just pulled a customers head apart to check his springs since he didn't know the specs of them. This is on a 24v puller. The springs had 68lbs of seat pressure at 1.380". This is a concern since factory springs have 78-81lbs at 1.380" If you are running these, beware of running the r's or the boost too high. Valve float is almost for sure on a hot engine.

I'm no expert on the rest of their parts. I will say I don't like the color purple even on Hemi sporting muscle cars. I think purple belongs in the make-up isle not on turbos and diesel engines, but that is my own opinion. I bet Clint doesn't care what I think either.

Yes they can wreck an engine. This truck spins some r's but due to the fact he had a odd ball cam that was timed incorrectly, he never got his 76mm single lit up hard at a pull, which might have saved his engine.

Like I said this is not a Bash ATS thread, they have a T-shirt cannon, which are expensive I hear, and two page adds in every diesel magazine. That probably means they have something worthwhile, right?

Just trying keep someone from smoking an engine, not bash.
