Beware of BadFummins


trucks are slow
Oct 16, 2012
This is a story written on a local diesel page from a former customer of Eric's aka BadFummins aka 7.3 Performance Diesel. He asked me to share it so that no one else would be taken advantage of.

"Here you go boys and girls.. here's the **** storm I was talking about..Its a novel. .Back in October I talked to eric about getting a new motor for my truck. He said he had a 7.3 long block with 90xxx miles on it and he would sell it to me for $700 and charge me $1200 to put it in.. I dirnt have the cash right then so he said we could wait and I told him that as soon as I got my tax money back I would do it. He agreed.. so our taxes weee done in February and I had been keeping in touch with him during that time and he kept saying he had the block so when the cash came I called him up to get it in and stuff. All of a sudden , the motor no longer existed but he said he could get me another 7.3 long block but it has 130xxx on it and it would cost me $780. I turned all the rest of the financial stuff over to my wife. From there eric had her paypal a "gift" of $780, which cost us another $50. Because she sent $800 to " get this ball rolling". He got the money and said he would go get the motor and let us know when to send the truck.about a week or two later we got the go ahead for the truck to go down. My wife and I caravaned down to londonderry nh from laconia nh to have aaa pick up my truck-free 100 mile tow. Eric said the truck would be done in four days and he would start it on monday.. eric said he would definitely hage it doneand he would meet us at my mothers over in halifax withit and we would pay him the remaining balance then. It didn't happen. He had excuses saying that another truck was on the lift and it was an emergency fix then a clutch had to be replaced in another truck. A four day turned into a week, one week turned into three. I told him I needed and wanted my truck back because I've been using my wifes truck and way more money was being spent on fuel. Eric said that I should send him the labor money of $1200 and he would "hold onto it" for us. My wife said no ****ing way. After about four or five weeks of this I ended up getting laid off and we ended up using the money to help make the mortgage payment. I still had no truck. My wife talked to eric, explaining the money situation but the need for the truck. Eric told her he would drag his feet a little but that he would get it done and he would drive it up to my house for us as soon as it was done. I had also asked him, while he had the truck, to replace the all the ball joints because I bought them but wasn't sure on how to do it. Plus I asked him to finally fix the turbo that he had sold to me that didn't quite fit-free fix according to eric. He and I even joked around about painting my "new" block blue (or as he said pink) but decided on blue. Eric and I agreed to use everything off my engine but just swap out the blocks.six weeks had passed, still no truck. Luckily my best friend in kentucky called me up to come work with him for a while to make some cash. Mind you, I sent my truck down on march 9th and now its april 22nd. I stayed down there until may 23nd, I got a job call to come home. Still no truck. I had kept in touch with eric the whole time and so did my wife, checking on the progress. Eric told my wife that he GUARANTEED the truck would be in our driveway by the time I got home or the day after but I would have it for the weekend so I could get used to the new motor and put her thur her paces and so on.. I got home during the early monrning hours of may 24th-friday and still no truck.I hounded him via text and pm. No replies. All of a sudden eric texts my wife saying he needs $250 for injector o-rings and oil, etc. My wife said no. She told me about it and I said no because they were brand new I had just recently done them and get the truck back to me. So I can get back to work. He finally agreed to meet us somewhere between laconia and were ever the **** he lives off of 93. That was may 27th. My wife and eric agfeed to making and accepting payments from us for the new labor balance we now owed $1300. When we arrived at our meeting spot.I was keepinf in touch with eric via text and he said he fueled the truck up for me before he left but about 60 miles down the rd it was almost on "e". He and amber-his girlfriend was driving my truck- pulled over and put $30 in for fuel.because he forgot his wallet at his shop. Once he finally got to the meet up. He went thur a few things with me saying my number 8 injector had gone bad and needed to be replaced. I needed a new belt to go on the new motor . He washed my engine really well, my truck was suxing down fuel really quickly, so on and so on.. after chatting with my wife (molly) eric and amber. We parted but my wife and eric agreed to a payment arrangement of my wife sending eric at least $100 a week until the full $1300 was paid off. Eric even asked for some cash now seeing how he put his only $30 in for fuel and I gave him a $50 bill. Now we owed $1250. We departed and I romped on her a littl to start to get a feel for my new motor. She bogged a little but finally started to wake up or so I thought..I got to the rest area just over the nh boarded and pulled over. I noticed that all my running and fog lights were working (I have a lot of lights) . Kind of odd because every mechanic that has ever worked on my truck forgets to connect one or two lights. I noticed that oil was still leaking from the same spot that it always had, odd seeing how it was a new motor. But homeward bound we went. I got infront of my wife a few times and she would call me, telling me that it wae still smoking the same, odd being a new motor. I got home finally. On the same qurarter tank of fuel that was in it when eric brought it up. Only another 65 miles. When I got home I realized that it was smoking the exact same way as before and so I started pokig around under the hood and under the engine bay.. my wife came to check on me and I Said " you know what I'm thinking?" And she said "he ddidn't change the motor?!!" "Yup". We researched online and found that ford stamped the motor blocks with the same numbers as what is on the valve cover. I looked the next day and sure as ****, they were exactly the same numbers.. my wife texted eric and he said the valve covers were reused but the block was different. She called his bluff.thru texting he realized you don't **** with my wife and money. We had paid out $880 for a new motor that was never taken care of. Where did the money go and I was ****ing hot. She convinced me not to say a damn thing until we got our money back. I didn't but now its game on.. eric had my truck for 11 full weeks and only fixed the turbo-his **** up anyways ; fixed a power steering hose- a $25 part, give or take , and supposedly fixed a sensor on the hpop. All told my wife agreed to letting him keep $230 but had to pay us back $650. The little ****er aggredd to it. As of now we have only gotten $277. as of right now he still owes us $373. Sorry for the long story but it needed to be told so people know how eric works. He's a ****ing snake. So eric if you read this DONT LET ME EVER CATCH YOU at a truck pul a dyno a show and shine or just driving by me because I will beat you ****ing down like you have never been... and then I will make you brush your nasty ****ing rat teeth of yours. You little no good ****ing smelly ****...."
And Eric's gf was driving the truck when Eric's was broken...
Makes me absolutely sick. I hope all his customers learn from this and put him on the street
Nobody in New England will do business with him, and I have noticed him posting on here more often because of that. Just don't want to see anyone get burned. There are many more stories of his $hit but this one is from a reliable source that has been posting about the issue for months.
Kinda Hard to read...But obviously this guy Eric is a Snake, I'd say if the owner is only out $373 and a few weeks consider himself Lucky!
Kinda Hard to read...But obviously this guy Eric is a Snake, I'd say if the owner is only out $373 and a few weeks consider himself Lucky!

I half agree with you. He also lost his truck for 11 weeks while Eric let his girlfriend drive it around town. Eric also claimed that the work was done and was looking for more money when in fact nothing had been repaired. I would conside Eric to be lucky because nobody will risk putting themselves in jail over hitting a low life.
I wonder if chitbag will make an appearance in this thread.....I kinda doubt it
Same kinda deal had happened to me with a shop close to me... just be persistent what I had to do... nonetheless sorry to hear about your troubles

Sent from phone
He sold a junk turbo with a cracked housing to boot to my friend in Utica last week. Paypal is now involved.
He sold a junk turbo with a cracked housing to boot to my friend in Utica last week. Paypal is now involved.

He was on facebook talking about having a cracked housing and how had to put a new charger on his truck. So he damn well knew it was junk. This is typical.
But Steve didn't he say that he did not sell a junk turbo to Tim's buddy?...
I haven't actually filed a claim yet, he is supposedly looking for a housing for me. Ive been trying to be a nice guy about this. It was supposed to ship out the day after payment, it shipped 16 days later.

Hearing that he posted on facebook about his cracked housing has me pretty irritated.
He sent me a message saying he didn't sell a junk turbo. Even though he knows exactly what he did. The second I told him I heard it from tim he just shut up.
SO here goes my piss poor experience with BadFummins. I paid him on may 22nd with the understanding he would ship the charger next day, after some shenanigans, the charger was shipped out on Jun 6th. Last i heard from him was he was going to try and locate me a turbine housing.
How'd that end up going for you bud?

I hadn't heard anything from him, allegedly he was looking for a housing, then he sends me a refund out of the blue. He sent me this refund on a saturday afternoon and was wanting me to ship the charger back that monday. I waited, the refund never cleared, it bounced. So far its still up in the air.

I hadn't heard anything from him, allegedly he was looking for a housing, then he sends me a refund out of the blue. He sent me this refund on a saturday afternoon and was wanting me to ship the charger back that monday. I waited, the refund never cleared, it bounced. So far its still up in the air.

Sounds about right. Probably hoped you would mail it before it cleared then he would have your $$ and the charger.
I never asked for the charger to be shipped back I was in the hospital for a week and wasn't in contact with you. When I got back in contact with you. You said you were getting a housing from your buddy and I asked how much he was charging you to give you the diff. And I have been in contact with you since and haven't given me a price yet. You make it sound like you haven't been in contact with me. And as far as me with the truck the guy was out of the state for months and drop the truck off and flew out. And wen he got back he got the truck back. And was payed back for the motor it didn't need got a new reman turbo put on with new down pipe clamp and power steering hoses fixed and replaced along with other sensors that were missing parts or broken.
I haven't actually filed a claim yet, he is supposedly looking for a housing for me. Ive been trying to be a nice guy about this. It was supposed to ship out the day after payment, it shipped 16 days later.

Hearing that he posted on facebook about his cracked housing has me pretty irritated.

I never posted any where about a cracked housing. This is the world we live in on fb and forums no one knows the other person and someone says something weather it be true or a lie ppl jump on it like flys on **** and only see one side of the story. Just like if someone said some celebrity died on fb ppl would all repost it and not even check to see if its true. Some will buy majority wont. Ppl are closed minded and only believe what they read. And steve you come on here posting a post as if I did something to you Which I didn't buy you bring drama and problems on here and only hear one side of a story. I'm the last person who is going to try and even fight w ppl online on forums or fb because its a losing battle it's informal and not professional Just like a text message. Anyone can say anything they want but back it up with proof. No one knows both story's or what happen. You hear one and jump on it like flys on ****. This is all I have to say.