I have two guys, one guy offered asking price, and the other guy had a pretty decent trade offer. I haven't heard from either of them since. So I will take some back up offers.
He is doing a a little for just a few, ie friends. He pretty much is working as a diesel mechanic for a locomotive last time I heard. I wouldn't classify me as being one who was close to him, this is coming from some guys that did lots of business with him.
More clarification, the pump never had 5K's in it. I have a set of 5K's that I will include with it, or the 4K's can stay in it, or for $1450 I will include both.
Bump again, please before you tell me your going to take it, ask all questions, and make sure your gonna take it. I have been putting people on hold cause I have told them it was sold.