Big Power!


New member
Oct 15, 2008
I have just acquired a 1995 Dodge 12 valve manual transmission, my goal with this truck is to obtain 600 horsepower on fuel only. So far my I think I am on the right track with my to do mod list that will make me reach my 600hp goal. My truck has 200,000 miles on it too, so what would safety mods would all have to be done for this old girl to hold together.

I already have guages, and got a dual disk clutch coming. This is going to be a drag/ sled pull truck and the weekend warrior street truck!

Industrial Injection Silver Bullet
Dynomite Diesel 140 horse injectors Are these injectors to big or too small?
O ringed and studded head
60 pound springs
Pump work??
Fuel Plate #0, #10, #100
Bigger deilvery valves ?? which ones ??
Govener Spring kit 3000, 4000 or 5000??

The ones with the question marks are the mods I am unsure about and am wondering if you 12 valve gurus out there can help me reach my goal by suggesting which one would be the best. Is there anything else I am missing?

Thanks a ton.
just don't do laser cut DV's. Thats what i've heard. I'm sure forrest or jim fulmer or smokem will come along and answer all your questions! Where are you from?
Don't forget about a'll need a built one. 600hp is easily reachable with a a 12v.
Pump: no plate, afc mods (flip washer, grinding afc barrel, whatever spring you desire depending on how fast you want turbo to light and how much preboost smoke you can tolerate), 191 DVs, EDM'd holders, and a rack plug. I don't know much about those 175 pumps but I think that would get you close. As far as GSK if it was me I'd go with a CDS 5k kit but 4k gsk at the minimum. Good luck, like said, 600hp is not too difficult with these trucks. I'm on a path to attempt this or close to myself!
A lift pump like an air dog or fass wouldent hurt, and what timing are you runnin now? Prob goin to have to bump it up a little
I wouldn't worry about a 175 pump. I've heard of a 160 pump non bench flowed making 580 horses. Get some 191 DV's, Probly a #0 plate, I'd stick with a 4K so you don't have to balance and build your bottom end. I think DDP 140 injectors will get you to 600 pretty easy. Maybe get your pump flowed to equalize fuel to all cylinders and get a little more out of it. Grind your AFC barrel and the washer. Silver Bullet 66 will make 600 peak hp, but spool will be getting slow on the street
what u mean u have 2 balance every thing we run mine at 6k and over and its not balanced
We run ours at 4750-4800 and it hasn't been balanced. I would say get some kinda of dampner past 4k.
Brad Ponci made 64x at the wheels with a 160 pump that had never been off the truck. He tried a 66 for comparison and lost quite a bit on his 12 valve.
all of your components will get you there

its just how good your tuning ability is, and your time, patience and effort in gettin all the parts right... that will result in your 600 horses.. I myself have found its not as easy as most say or think, even with a 215 pump... im still a few short...

Brad Ponci made 64x at the wheels with a 160 pump that had never been off the truck. He tried a 66 for comparison and lost quite a bit on his 12 valve.

What charger did he make that power with? Is it twins or a single? If you don't want to share specifics no problem, but if you could indicate if it's a S300 or s400 would be cool. Wow, 640 with no bench tuning!!! that's awseome!