billet 06 4wd 48RE feeler

Scooter's Roofing

New member
Oct 16, 2006
Thinking about changing directions here... Considering going back to stock on my 06

Truck had 65k miles on it when the tranny was built. Truck had no programmer, etc. on it. Tranny has billet input, output, tripple disk billet converter, valvebody, good clutches and steels, etc. etc. Mike at Hot Rod Diesels built it, and it's been great for 50k miles. Fluid looks/smells good, etc. Mike builds a HELL of a tranny, and I've seen this same build hold up to hundreds of 11sec passes in a quad/short 4x4.

All I have is a Smarty and a turbo. I've never brake-stalled against the converter, I CERTAINLY have never launched in 4wd, etc. Ask anyone that knows me, I refuse to abuse such an expensive truck :o

If this goes down, this will be a swap+ cash deal and you will either need to cover the labor or if you have a shop where we can do the work, I will help with the swap.

Because there are so many potential variables here, I am not going to list a price, please contact me via PM, and let's talk turkey on a case by case basis.

I am located Just south of Houston, TX
Let's get it swapped forest! Someone needs this tranny I'm sure. Forest is a heck of a guy folks. You know my offers. I'll hollar when I have a bit if time
I have a 48RE from an 06 with 50K on it. Mine is already out. Has convertor also. Get yours out, and we can talk.